Karina_666 said:did Tempest just insult himself? Ha, ha. And I thought Korn fans were the stupidest people alive.
Karina_666 said:And I thought Korn fans were the stupidest people alive.
Devy_Metal said:So, not that Nevermore is the most complex band in the world, but it's obvious you just dont have the mental capacity to actually listen to what you are hearing.
Firehead said:What a fucking retard.
I belive the fucktards name is Rebirth....As for tempest, what can you exspect from the colon of the Neverboard.schenkadere said:Some brain surgeon...maybe you...decided to post it on your Nevermore site.
Be careful or Tempest may want to throw you to his gay Vikings too. That's just pathetic.
Hawng said:
Their all like OMGZ DID YOU SEE HOW i MADE THEM LOOK LIKE MORONS?!/! Well Warrel Dane does post there like once a month so I guess they did take it personal.schenkadere said:This shit is unbelievable, isn't it?I'm glad I'm slow at work so I can entertain it...ha! And they think they're one upping and being witty. Fact is, I could give a shit. I can't imagine defending a fucking band...unless the guys are your personal friends, it makes no sense. It's all a matter of opinion it's not some personal reflection. It's amazing they could care so much.
Hawng said:Their all like OMGZ DID YOU SEE HOW i MADE THEM LOOK LIKE MORONS?!/! Well Warrel Dane does post there like once a month so I guess they did take it personal.
schenkadere said:...I see what their fan base is made of.
schenkadere said:Obviously Nevermore fans are the whining toddlers of the "metal" world.
Tempest said:Wow schenkadere, all the Nevermore fans said was that you were wrong.
VickyH said:it`s sad that u pigeonhole EVERYONE now, who is listening to NM ...
ALL the NM fans?! ... wtf?! only u posted hundred times here ... *rollseyes* i really love the ones how are putting everybody together just not to stand alone :| *grml*
!!!!!!!!!!i just can recur ... there are more opinions than ONE!!!!!!!!!!
schenkadere said:Well, Vicky...your representation here as a Nevermore fan isn't the strongest.
Tempest said:VickyH, finish grade school english class before you come post with the bigboys, ok sweetheart? That statement used in the context that "THE NEVERMORE FANS ONLY SAID" not "EVERY NEVERMORE FAN SAID"
Yeah, thats how the English language is used over here in the Wonderful United States.