New AA Vid I don't know of?


Natural Born Psycho
Feb 9, 2003
Germany / Thuringia
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One of my friends told me that he had seen an AA vid with a slower song(he doesn't remember the name, so this gets difficult), but it wasn't Death In Fire, 'cuz he does know this one....Have I something missed or doesn't exist this vid and he told shit?
Huh? They wrote a soundtrack? Never heard of that before....But I don't think such stuff would be broadcasted by a regular music channel such as VivaPlus or so....
Has this song an own vid, or is it just a soundtrack?

Or are you just trying to arse me (if that phrase exists), 'cuz I don't find any thing regarding this movie and the fact, that AA has a soundtrack?
Yeah, and?
Whats your problem DaMenace? I already thought that this is nothing more then a hoax(the title is good enough to guess that), but hey, give everthing a try?;)

Better make some mistakes then die stupid;)

:lol: at myself (the best thing you can do if something goes wrong)
...just like people think I hoax them when I tell them I work for Morten Kock's clothing firma. "We also have some new Kock Socks"
Patric said:
...just like people think I hoax them when I tell them I work for Morten Kock's clothing firma. "We also have some new Kock Socks"
There is a w(h)ine in Sweden called Gato Negro.

I told a black guy yesterday that it meant "street my pals", which it almost does. He was and arse, but I felt a bit too mean anyhow.
hahah Gato Negro-Gatu Neger yeah I can see what you mean. How about "Crack Negro", that would've been even worse.