man, the reason why bodom was so great, was the combo neo-classic stuff +metal that blow people's mind away, Blooddrunk looks its going to be nice, but now they are just like every other band around, nothing special imo
man, the reason why bodom was so great, was the combo neo-classic stuff +metal that blow people's mind away, Blooddrunk looks its going to be nice, but now they are just like every other band around, nothing special imo
You're kinda right. I think they still have their own sound, and it's definately Bodom, but it's more like the other bands now.
But if this is what they wish to do, then I won't stop them from doing it :) (and I can't btw, but that's another story)
Hatebreeder was fucking awesome though. Wish they would do something a little more influenced like that again :erk:
And the video, hilariously stupid. The stuff with the people, was 1. not scary 2. fucking out of place 3. hilariously wrong.
The vid. would have been better without those pale people :mad:
I am sure Alexi will be really pissed. This is almost worse than needled vid...or wait is it even WORSE?


In Blooddrunk the band scenes are great, which can't be said about Needled (alwas from the same angle and shitty as fuck). And those are the best part of metal vids IMO. Also I don't find that bad the town. It's a COB music video, not a terror fil or a Cannibal Corpse uncenssored vid. And the music, which is the most important part, rocks.

But, the ghost shit is doesn't fit in. But, band footage is really good.
You're kinda right. I think they still have their own sound, and it's definately Bodom, but it's more like the other bands now.
But if this is what they wish to do, then I won't stop them from doing it :) (and I can't btw, but that's another story)
Hatebreeder was fucking awesome though. Wish they would do something a little more influenced like that again :erk:

Me, of all people would love to hear another Hatebreeder.

But if you think there's ANY chance of it happening, then you've built false hopes. Alexi dislikes the harmonic minor scale and obviously doesn't borrow heavily from classical music anymore. They've dropped their gtr tuning and basically changed everything that they used to be. Do the math...
No harmonic minor+Not borrowing classical riffs+Drop tuning=No more Hatebreeder.

Am I right teacher Mitch??:lol::lol::lol:

Now serious, even though I wouldn't mind another HB, they still sound COB, we already have one HB and I like them to be able to evolve and re-invent themselves if they do ok, and so far they've done ok IMO, so I've got no complaints. It's not like Metallica with St. Anger.

In Blooddrunk the band scenes are great, which can't be said about Needled (alwas from the same angle and shitty as fuck). And those are the best part of metal vids IMO. Also I don't find that bad the town. It's a COB music video, not a terror fil or a Cannibal Corpse uncenssored vid. And the music, which is the most important part, rocks.
Gotta disagree, the band scenes in Needled are much better I think. And at the end of the day, it's nothing to do with what COB or Cannibal Corpse's music sounds like, it's the video producer's decision. Obviously, the guy who made Make Them Suffer's vid had an infinitely better idea than the complete twat who made Blooddrunk. Don't get me wrong, I love the song, more than most of AYDY, but this video is so truly bad, I can honestly say as a video I would rather watch Trivium. Ok, I would put in headphones and listen to Aborted instead, but I'd rather see the Trivium vid. Now this may all be down to a matter of opinion, but in mine, this video is FUCKING AWFUL.
^^AwEsOmEz!!!! NoW DaddY's gonna buy my an true ESP Aleksi that plAyS iTsElF aNd a mAkEuP sEt!!! Now I'll fInAlLy bE lIkEz OMGAleksi!!


@ESPmyk: tastes ftw, :lol: No, as I said I don't really care as long as I enjoy the album, and so far I'm really digging Blooddrunk, so I'll listen to it, wait for Hellonds vid and If I don't like them I'll always be able to watch CRY or IYF vid, :lol:

Only thing I don't understand is what you find good in Needled band moments.
^ I just really liked the shading of the whole video to be honest. I hate all the circus freak crap as much as the emo kids in AYDY or the old people in Blooddrunk, but I think if the whole Needled vid had just been the band the way it was filmed, it would have been amazing. To be honest though, the only COB vid I like is Every Time I Die, so its not too much of a big deal. It just bugs me that a lot of peoples first exposure to this great band is going to be this awful video, especially when the kind of people who regularly watch music TV don't give two shits about the actual music, just whether the video is 'cool' or not... Guess it's just as well Beyond The Dark Sun never gets played on TV, or Wintersun would 'officially' be the worst band ever.
@ ESPmyk: I agree. Perhaps Universal have put some pressure on CoB to make a video that will appeal precisely to those people who only
watch music videos for the 'cool' factor, in order to reach a 'wider' audience - which sucks, of course. It just seems strange that they'd
make such a video when Alexi has stated on many occasions how much he hates the Needled vid. I'm not that keen on music videos anyway,
but I definitely prefer just to have the band, without some kind of 'story' or 'theme' going on - TLS gets my vote.