I just realized that we've heard 3 songs of the album (1/3!) and I still don't really know what to expect form the other 6. Sure, it's gonna be more thrassy with melodic parts, but BFH, TMR and Blooddrunk are already quite different from each other... really wonder what the rest will be like.

In Blooddrunk the band scenes are great, which can't be said about Needled (alwas from the same angle and shitty as fuck). And those are the best part of metal vids IMO. Also I don't find that bad the town. It's a COB music video, not a terror fil or a Cannibal Corpse uncenssored vid. And the music, which is the most important part, rocks.

Do you realise 80% of the video was old folks wandering being crazy or making out with dummies?:lol:
I just realized that we've heard 3 songs of the album (1/3!) and I still don't really know what to expect form the other 6. Sure, it's gonna be more thrassy with melodic parts, but BFH, TMR and Blooddrunk are already quite different from each other... really wonder what the rest will be like.

yeah good point ! i think the best is yet to come in the other 6 songs
Less than 7 weeks till the release, you can already start wiping dust from your player.

I think we're in for an absolutely great COB album and the wait has been long, so that 7 weeks is simply nothing.

Plus we've not heard the best songs (1 & 9?) yet.
We still don't know how is it going to be, because all we've got is TMR early version (really low guitars :ill:), Blooddrunk radio stream and BFH MySpace quality, and also they are quite different. I deon't know why but I expect Hellhouns to begin really fast and aggressive, and I really hope it does, :kickass: So far I'm digging the album quite a lot.
Yeah. TMR, BFH and BD are really different ! I didn't expect BD to be in 6/8 ! on the latest albums (ftr and hcdr) there hasn't been any tracks in 6/8. I like the feel this time signature creates. And yeah maybe we can expect and opener in the genre of Needled.

Yeah. TMR, BFH and BD are really different ! I didn't expect BD to be in 6/8 ! on the latest albums (ftr and hcdr) there hasn't been any tracks in 6/8. I like the feel this time signature creates. And yeah maybe we can expect and opener in the genre of Needled.


If there's only 1 single song on the album which has an opening melody like Hate Me, Needled or Trashed Lost, I'll be totally satisfied.
yeah agreed ! those melodies are awesome !! they're maybe not into the neoclassical stuff anymore but they can still write fucking awesome melodies and riffs that's for sure ! I think we (the fans in general) have to high expectations regarding CoB. It's like if they owe us something and that they can'T dissapoint us. To those who say that CoB is becoming just another normal band, I say you're wrong. I've never heard any band with those type of riffs, solos, harmonies, structures and IDEAS in general ! There's something really special that only CoB has if you ask me.

CoB will always be special for me, even though Alexi will probably never write another Hatebreeder, and why should he? He's a creative person and he can't be expected to
write the same stuff over and over again (and he'd be bashed to hell and back if he did). His ideas are bound to change and develop, and ok, maybe they won't be to everyone's
liking but, at the end of the day, it's up to him. I think Blooddrunk is gonna kick some serious ass, but, whatever, I'm a CoB fan for life.
If there's only 1 single song on the album which has an opening melody like Hate Me, Needled or Trashed Lost, I'll be totally satisfied.

true, would be cool, but i guess the melodic parts are a bit more 'hidden' if you know what i mean. Less in the picture
My expectations of the upcoming album: New, different, better than AYDY, not as good as old school COB but at the same time hard to relate to because of how different, not necessarily in a bad or good way.

I may still like the old COB more as always, but I'm starting to like things in this new stuff a lot that are better in ways to the old COB, so it's becoming harder to say the new stuff is worse, now i feel like it's different.

What I think of the album till now: Exceeded my expectations already although I haven't heard or seen enough to fully judge of course. The song Banned from Heaven in particular is mostly responsible for this. This may have to be one of COB's best tracks, and by that I am shocked to say this but I mean out of all the COB songs to date. Amazing riffs and melodies, especially harmonizing guitar/guitar and guitar/keyboards, and most of all they feel like the fit better in the song than many other old school COB stuff. One other huge thing I am impressed with is they lyrics too, I have always been a fan of Alexi's lyrics in the past no matter how much effort he claims to have put in them, but in Banned From Heaven there is without doubt a huge improvement. The solo's are fucking perfect as well, and very appropriate. I don't know if I am right but I have a feeling the boys put a good deal of effort in this track and it shows really well.

Bloodrunk the song I think in general is good, not exceeding my expectations or letting me down EXCEPT for that little talking bit in the beginning, I REALLY fucking hated that and I really hope it's the last we hear of it. The vid for it however, is without doubt the best music video by COB so far...After seeing the vid for Are You Dead Yet I really hoped they would never try to attempt to make another vid with anything more than just simply them playing, but after seeing this I again see that new side of COB where the vid is much more meaningful but without going down a whole artistic visionary bullshit thing. Perfect from the fucked up scenes to the way Alexi looks at the camera right when you see something fucked up as if he's saying "That's right, bitch" lol. It's like the kick ass carefree vibe is still there, except more mature and solid but not too much so that they become some sort of Industrial band. I am really excited to see more new stuff soon!
CoB will always be special for me, even though Alexi will probably never write another Hatebreeder, and why should he? He's a creative person and he can't be expected to
write the same stuff over and over again (and he'd be bashed to hell and back if he did). His ideas are bound to change and develop, and ok, maybe they won't be to everyone's
liking but, at the end of the day, it's up to him. I think Blooddrunk is gonna kick some serious ass, but, whatever, I'm a CoB fan for life.

+1 :kickass:

My expectations of the upcoming album: New, different, better than AYDY, not as good as old school COB but at the same time hard to relate to because of how different, not necessarily in a bad or good way.

I may still like the old COB more as always, but I'm starting to like things in this new stuff a lot that are better in ways to the old COB, so it's becoming harder to say the new stuff is worse, now i feel like it's different.

What I think of the album till now: Exceeded my expectations already although I haven't heard or seen enough to fully judge of course. The song Banned from Heaven in particular is mostly responsible for this. This may have to be one of COB's best tracks, and by that I am shocked to say this but I mean out of all the COB songs to date. Amazing riffs and melodies, especially harmonizing guitar/guitar and guitar/keyboards, and most of all they feel like the fit better in the song than many other old school COB stuff. One other huge thing I am impressed with is they lyrics too, I have always been a fan of Alexi's lyrics in the past no matter how much effort he claims to have put in them, but in Banned From Heaven there is without doubt a huge improvement. The solo's are fucking perfect as well, and very appropriate. I don't know if I am right but I have a feeling the boys put a good deal of effort in this track and it shows really well.

Bloodrunk the song I think in general is good, not exceeding my expectations or letting me down EXCEPT for that little talking bit in the beginning, I REALLY fucking hated that and I really hope it's the last we hear of it. The vid for it however, is without doubt the best music video by COB so far...After seeing the vid for Are You Dead Yet I really hoped they would never try to attempt to make another vid with anything more than just simply them playing, but after seeing this I again see that new side of COB where the vid is much more meaningful but without going down a whole artistic visionary bullshit thing. Perfect from the fucked up scenes to the way Alexi looks at the camera right when you see something fucked up as if he's saying "That's right, bitch" lol. It's like the kick ass carefree vibe is still there, except more mature and solid but not too much so that they become some sort of Industrial band. I am really excited to see more new stuff soon!

WOW :lol: Still processing it, :lol: That was fucking long!
I'm listening to One Day You Will Cry, it's fucking great. Like a real kick in the face, with stuff that you definitely won't remember after the first listen. Awesome stuff. The most mature song they've ever done. It'll take more listens to understand it tho.. It sort of doesn't have any stuff that still plays in your head after you've heard it. Very interesting. Has a little Doom Metal feel to it.
Wow, how did the uploader got that one?

Well, i'm not going to hear it, soon we've heard the whole album, before it's out in the stores.