Hmm... Blooddrunk... Excuse me but it letterally: SUCKS! In "Are you dead yet?" COB lost most of their music power, but with this album they touched the bottom...
Hmm... Blooddrunk... Excuse me but it letterally: SUCKS! In "Are you dead yet?" COB lost most of their music power, but with this album they touched the bottom...

Now here's an opinion.

Please don't be one of the fools I meet at the bars downtown who come telling me how COB sucks. Just swallow it and never talk about it aloud again.
Learn to spell..

.. Oh, and get fucked!

The normally docile you turns savage! Lol, seriously though, why come onto a forum merely to spout shite that is not true- any serious musician has liked their latest outings, this piece of shit obviously fails to realise that AYDY? was pretty similar sounding to HCDR, yet that did not get a mention - stop jumping on the "I hate Bodom's new sound" bandwagon and do yourself and every one here a favour and.. GTFO!