The main riff in Trashed, Lost & Strungout is extremely similiar to one in Sic by Slipknot. :p

Yeah, but Alexi doesn't rap or wear a stupid clown mask.

My grammar is bad, i know. Sorry, i only learn.

Don'r worry about it man! I would say that the majority of posters here use something other than english as their first language.
I agree with Alexi, the sound of the guitars on AYDY weren't the greatest, but besides that, it was decent. Most of the songs kinda sounded like unfinished demos, that could have been built on more, I think. I mean, sometimes it's the exact album i'm in the mood for, that no other Bodom shit will fullfill. I'm with everyone on the old shit being more complex, original & everything, but that urge for the AYDY Bodom is still persistant. It's still Bodom.

So, building on what I just said, if the new album sounds anything like Are You Dead Yet, I hope that it's more of a finished feel for me, and not so......yea, i'll say it, American.
From Tie My Rope, I have a good feeling about the album. Guitars aren't sounding too much different from AYDY, But I enjoy the mix of old & new. I love Tie My Rope, and I anticipate the new album a lot.
Cheers all!
They'll start recording the drums this week I guess as they enter the studio.

I hope to god you aint pulling of a Joonas-speculation-syndrome thingy again! Who/what is your source for this?:):lol:

Guitars aren't sounding too much different from AYDY, But I enjoy the mix of old & new. I love Tie My Rope, and I anticipate the new album a lot.
Cheers all!

Ofcourse not yet. Alexi still had his EMGs+Gainbooster in his guitar then. Afterwards he switched to Seymour duncan which IMO gave him a clearer and better tone...Ive heard the difference and i think its a good sign.
I think drums are pretty much recorded first..


Studio: Petrax (in Hollola)

Single will be released at beginning of the year and album in April.
Yes. They have to release a single, they can't be dead for that long.

Petrax sounds like a nice studio. They have saunas in the cellar and sofas and playstations and all that shit.. and motorbikes and snowmobiles.. hope they won't drive them drunk.

They say that the recording room is 120 square meters (and 500 cube meters) and a perfect place especially for recording drums..

Petrax studio pictures:

I can only imagine how fun it's gonna be!
Yeah for everyone not knowing finnish the post above jonas where i have the quote.
"albumi julkaistaan huhtikuussa 2008 ja sitä edeltää sinkku alkuvuodesta"

Translated to english:
The album will be released in April 2008(then something like) That means there will be a advance single in the beginning of the year
The album release has been six months away for the past 6 months :lol:

Why do they do this?

1) Did they just decide to put much more time and effort into the album, or
2) underestimate the time the process would take, or
3) just keep fans anticipating news from them?