I think it's working fluent. But Alexi has said they have some progressive songs on the new album as well. I think it means not every song has that for example Sixpounder structure, but some might be a little unexpectable like.. i dunno, Towards Dead End.. And I hope they have something that's not tried yet.

Yeah, I hope they will just have some little guts to try things, to "experiment" more and to evolve more than what they did. To be honest - and I know that's not the opinion of everyone, for sure - I would prefer and respect more a new things that isn't really good than just a remake of old ideas that would sound ok.

Ah man you make things sound so veristic it sends shrills down me. I think the very intro (in this case Janne's electronic lead) is extremely important because it sort of determines the nature of the song you approach it by. I think this was experimental and I like it, I think it's a fucking wicked part when the pedalling starts with the hi-hat it sounds freaky, wish it lasted longer.

Well to be honest I didn't really gave a chance to the song, because of the reason I said on my other post, maybe I will. But yeah they tried something with the keyboard intro that was different, but still in my head it sounded like "Hey, we made an indu/elctronic intro for LDB and it seems to work good for live, why not making another song with an intro like that?" so...

I think the songs COB make all sound very different. Give them that at least, even if you most of time know what part of the song is coming next.

Yeah, I sure can tell the difference between Warth Within and Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood, I didn't say the songs were the same but... well that's why I speciffied "Idea" and not "Riff", speaking of riff Alexi is good for finding new one most of the time, there's always some good one, but I was speaking more like "using an elctronic sound as an intro" is an idea, "using this kind of verses structure" (by that I mean... well that's hard to describe in word but, you are a keybordist so I'm sure you learnt some song but I mean they are using a rythm (like D-D-D-DDD-D-D-D-DDD (0-0-0-000-0-0-0-000)) when Alexi is singing a sentence, then after that there's a little fill-in, than the rythm with the voice, than the little 6-8 note riff) is an idea, "a little synth pad break" is an idea, "a chorus with everybody singing one or two word" is an idea, etc and they are always using the same one on at least 3-4-5 song on each album since Follow The Reaper, even if yes the riff and what is used in the idea is different.

My point is, with good sounds and a good mix even clumsy structured songs may sound good, but imagine that paired with versatile song structures.. man. We're so in for a kickass album.

Oh yeah that's sure, I am myself a sounds maniac and I love when there's a lot of work into mixing and finding best sounds or effects possible. I'm a lot into experimental music, but it doesn't mean a song got to be in 15/16 with 5 tempo changing and 10 effect in them to be good. I like a lot of easy listening pop song and hard listening experimental song, all I want is them to be a little more than what the band have already said or done before.

That's true, and reason why many think it's better. Shit structure doesn't equal progressive geniosity.

And what if "shit structure" is wanted and got a meaning for the musicians or the song writer? If alexi would have said "Yeah, I actually wrote the Something Wild album thinking of it as a dark and hard to follow album, to be more like what I was. I wanted to use differrent and not really thought structure to make it more fluid and to represent what life was meaning for me." than I'm sure it would be considered as geniosity.
And what if "shit structure" is wanted and got a meaning for the musicians or the song writer? If alexi would have said "Yeah, I actually wrote the Something Wild album thinking of it as a dark and hard to follow album, to be more like what I was. I wanted to use differrent and not really thought structure to make it more fluid and to represent what life was meaning for me." than I'm sure it would be considered as geniosity.

It's hard to start discussing what was experimental in Something Wild and what intentional, but later on Alexi has said he doesn't know what he was thinking back then. Maybe those neo-classical influences plus that harpsichord keyboard and those freaky song structurings were on purpose to attract attention in COB's debut. Would they have been notified so widely by just putting another thrash album on the market?

I have to say last autumn when I had a gig with this one band, I had 6 days to learn 6 songs, and the structures were so shit. I was going thru them with the guitarist singer writer and he said here comes the chorus, but before that is the pre-chorus and the pre-section of the pre-chorus and shit like that. =Which was bad given so little time. Then, the sun set immediately before the gig, it was so dark and everyone was so drunk, it didn't matter. :lol:
Yeah, I hope they will just have some little guts to try things, to "experiment" more and to evolve more than what they did. To be honest - and I know that's not the opinion of everyone, for sure - I would prefer and respect more a new things that isn't really good than just a remake of old ideas that would sound ok.

Well to be honest I didn't really gave a chance to the song, because of the reason I said on my other post, maybe I will. But yeah they tried something with the keyboard intro that was different, but still in my head it sounded like "Hey, we made an indu/elctronic intro for LDB and it seems to work good for live, why not making another song with an intro like that?" so...

Yeah, I sure can tell the difference between Warth Within and Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood, I didn't say the songs were the same but... well that's why I speciffied "Idea" and not "Riff", speaking of riff Alexi is good for finding new one most of the time, there's always some good one, but I was speaking more like "using an elctronic sound as an intro" is an idea, "using this kind of verses structure" (by that I mean... well that's hard to describe in word but, you are a keybordist so I'm sure you learnt some song but I mean they are using a rythm (like D-D-D-DDD-D-D-D-DDD (0-0-0-000-0-0-0-000)) when Alexi is singing a sentence, then after that there's a little fill-in, than the rythm with the voice, than the little 6-8 note riff) is an idea, "a little synth pad break" is an idea, "a chorus with everybody singing one or two word" is an idea, etc and they are always using the same one on at least 3-4-5 song on each album since Follow The Reaper, even if yes the riff and what is used in the idea is different.

Oh yeah that's sure, I am myself a sounds maniac and I love when there's a lot of work into mixing and finding best sounds or effects possible. I'm a lot into experimental music, but it doesn't mean a song got to be in 15/16 with 5 tempo changing and 10 effect in them to be good. I like a lot of easy listening pop song and hard listening experimental song, all I want is them to be a little more than what the band have already said or done before.

And what if "shit structure" is wanted and got a meaning for the musicians or the song writer? If alexi would have said "Yeah, I actually wrote the Something Wild album thinking of it as a dark and hard to follow album, to be more like what I was. I wanted to use differrent and not really thought structure to make it more fluid and to represent what life was meaning for me." than I'm sure it would be considered as geniosity.

Very insightful post. Don't worry, it seems like we are on the same brainwave or something :lol:
I did understand it and I must say that I find it a really good thinking. Only point is that I wouldn't mind another SW instead of ''experimenting'' towards an ''even more AYDY'' type of album. It was ok for one album, but guys, now experiment on another direction. If not, if it has to be a copy I prefer SWor HB copy, :lol:
I did understand it and I must say that I find it a really good thinking. Only point is that I wouldn't mind another SW instead of ''experimenting'' towards an ''even more AYDY'' type of album. It was ok for one album, but guys, now experiment on another direction. If not, if it has to be a copy I prefer SWor HB copy, :lol:

Yeah, honestly you can only go so far with experimentation. I am into some weird shit and I consider myself to be pretty eclectic. But I realize that some styles just don't give room to experimentation just for the sake of it.

Before you grab your flamethrowers and start screaming "prog" at me, remember I never said Metal should be simple (or simplistic), and I actually consider it to be a very open genre in terms of musical freedom. Metal fans are generally pretty open-minded and easily welcome new ideas. We all know that.

The thing with COB though, is that from the beginning they had something NO ONE ELSE HAD. Actually, bands might have tried to experiment toward their blend of styles, but since the beginning it was this band that brought something new to the table, and not only that, something new and enjoyable, something you could rock to.

What fans don't want to see is all that thrown out of the window in the name of this so called "experimentation". Am I saying they should throw another Hatebreeder at us? I'd like that, but that's not my point. My point is: they can bring us something new, fresh, and they don't need to cease to be THEM in the process.

AYDY was just a fucking disappointment to me, as I have stated many times. And before you say "it's just your opinion", of course it's my opinion, FUCK YOU, you have yours, I have mine, don't read if you don't want to know what I'm thinking. Fucking cunt. Anyway, it was a disappointment because:

1) It was musically bland
2) It contained experimentation with NO PURPOSE
3) It didn't sound like the COB we knew, meaning they have lost some magic along the way

So my conclusion is: should they experiment so much that, in the end of their musical journey, they end up as something they are not? Metal reviewers call bands that copy them "Bodom Metal", that's gotta tell you something about competence.

I'm not saying they should not try new ideas. I'm just saying they shouldn't forget what made the fans love them. That magic is nowhere to be seen in AYDY. Here's to hoping it's going to shine again in Blooddrunk.

Cheers. :kickass:
Can we forget about AYDY already? It had some nice keyboards in song 1, 4, 5 and synths in 2, but overall not as impressive as Bodom can be.

Why are you still saying maybe they'll go even more to AYDY direction? Blooddrunk is more melodic and faster so the answer is NO.
Can we forget about AYDY already? It had some nice keyboards in song 1, 4, 5 and synths in 2, but overall not as impressive as Bodom can be.

Why are you still saying maybe they'll go even more to AYDY direction? Blooddrunk is said to be more melodic and faster so the answer is NO.


Yeah, honestly you can only go so far with experimentation. I am into some weird shit and I consider myself to be pretty eclectic. But I realize that some styles just don't give room to experimentation just for the sake of it.

Before you grab your flamethrowers and start screaming "prog" at me, remember I never said Metal should be simple (or simplistic), and I actually consider it to be a very open genre in terms of musical freedom. Metal fans are generally pretty open-minded and easily welcome new ideas. We all know that.

The thing with COB though, is that from the beginning they had something NO ONE ELSE HAD. Actually, bands might have tried to experiment toward their blend of styles, but since the beginning it was this band that brought something new to the table, and not only that, something new and enjoyable, something you could rock to.

What fans don't want to see is all that thrown out of the window in the name of this so called "experimentation". Am I saying they should throw another Hatebreeder at us? I'd like that, but that's not my point. My point is: they can bring us something new, fresh, and they don't need to cease to be THEM in the process.

AYDY was just a fucking disappointment to me, as I have stated many times. And before you say "it's just your opinion", of course it's my opinion, FUCK YOU, you have yours, I have mine, don't read if you don't want to know what I'm thinking. Fucking cunt. Anyway, it was a disappointment because:

1) It was musically bland
2) It contained experimentation with NO PURPOSE
3) It didn't sound like the COB we knew, meaning they have lost some magic along the way

So my conclusion is: should they experiment so much that, in the end of their musical journey, they end up as something they are not? Metal reviewers call bands that copy them "Bodom Metal", that's gotta tell you something about competence.

I'm not saying they should not try new ideas. I'm just saying they shouldn't forget what made the fans love them. That magic is nowhere to be seen in AYDY. Here's to hoping it's going to shine again in Blooddrunk.

Cheers. :kickass:

Agreed :kickass:
I just hope that with a better guitar sound the song gets better, because if you check COBTV 1, there's a moment that they're playing it with no mixing(they're shown playing it and the sound is not the same as in the final version), and then Janne makes as if he was taking the camera and the sound changes to the acual sound of the final mix. Well, the sound before Janne does this camera thing is IMO far better than the final sound, and the song sounds better, so if they get a sound like that TMR will surely improve.

So much depends on mixing work and stuff, aside of the songs on paper. Nothing's ever quaranteed. But I'd suppose they make good solutions now and not concentrate the power on drums like last time.
Where did it say it was suppose to be more melodic or contain more melodies? I remember faster and more progressive, but not more melodic. Can someone quote this?
^ From Zarok's latest interview with Alexi:



I think we'll just start right away with the new album. Of course it's a bit too early to talk about Blooddrunk because I haven't heard the album yet and you don't like to talk too much about your music. I also don't want that you reveal any surprises that will be on it or other things. But maybe you can tell me what's the biggest improvement compared to Are You Dead Yet?.

Alexi: Well, I guess that Are You Dead Yet? has a darker vibe in it and also it was more midtempo sort of music compared to Blooddrunk. Blooddrunk is a lot faster and a kick in your face but at the same time it's very musical with a lot of melodies. And it's pretty catchy.That's what I think.
yes, please

Haha,your fuckin signature is hilarious. I like how you wrote your name at the end of it. Like it even makes it personal,theres millions of daves,lmao.

But on a serious note.I truly dont believe Metallica can make a decent album,that shows there the same band that made Ride The Lightning,by this point.Its been 17 years of shit from them. Thats more than half of there existence. They died when Cliff died. He killed alot of the things that made Metallica what they were as a 4 piece. Cliffs death pretty much robbed James,Kirk And Lars of all there musical emotion. And Justice For All was a killer record,but beside a couple of moments here and there,its pretty much all aggression. Cliff also had an overwhelming amount of musical creativity,and was the member who was most influenced by punk bands. The loss of his punk influence negated half of the combo that made Metallica what they were. They should of broke up after And Justice and never continued the band.
The current issue of "Kerrang" has the following interview with Alexi re the new album:

Alexi Laiho: “It’s definitely faster than Are You Dead Yet? It’s not quite as dark as that album, in fact, it’s probably much more of a kick in the face. It’s hard to say exactly what it will sound like at the moment because we haven’t quite finished mixing it. Certainly I’m more satisfied with these songs than I was on the last album.”

“You always go into the studio wanting to improve your music but, other than that, we didn’t really plan anything for this album. That tends to be the way we work, to be honest. Our songs often just come out spontaneously because, if we over-plan, then we don’t sound very genuine. Making this album was a very natural process.”

“Well, we moved into a studio in the north of Finland and had Peter Tägtgren from Pain come and help out for a bit. It was a pretty mellow process until the last week, at which point it all got a bit more stressful. There were lots of bits that we ended up having to redo, so that made things quite difficult. I wasn’t sleeping at all, which, obviously, led to the consumption of huge amounts of alcohol - which probably didn’t help much either!”

“We’ve been on the road for two years, then we took four months to write the album and record it. Perhaps the album could have come out earlier but these things take time. It would have been nice to get it out before March but what are you going to do?”

“Hopefully they’ll like it! I think people that are already into the band will certainly like it but, with any luck, it will strike a chord with people who have never heard us. I’d hope we can do that with this album and that a few people outside our fans will enjoy this because we’ve incorporated a few new elements.”

“Well, we’ve maintained the Children of Bodom sound but some of the vocals have changed, we’ve played around with keyboards and some guitar layers.”

“I hope it will be remembered as a great metal album - and one that will sell more than the last. If we manage to sell just one more record than last time, then I think we can say the album’s been a success. It would be nice if people thought it was a real step forward for us, too.”

“I’d have fucking loved it!”
The current issue of "Kerrang" has the following interview with Alexi re the new album:

Alexi Laiho: “It’s definitely faster than Are You Dead Yet? It’s not quite as dark as that album, in fact, it’s probably much more of a kick in the face. It’s hard to say exactly what it will sound like at the moment because we haven’t quite finished mixing it. Certainly I’m more satisfied with these songs than I was on the last album.”

“You always go into the studio wanting to improve your music but, other than that, we didn’t really plan anything for this album. That tends to be the way we work, to be honest. Our songs often just come out spontaneously because, if we over-plan, then we don’t sound very genuine. Making this album was a very natural process.”

“Well, we moved into a studio in the north of Finland and had Peter Tägtgren from Pain come and help out for a bit. It was a pretty mellow process until the last week, at which point it all got a bit more stressful. There were lots of bits that we ended up having to redo, so that made things quite difficult. I wasn’t sleeping at all, which, obviously, led to the consumption of huge amounts of alcohol - which probably didn’t help much either!”

“We’ve been on the road for two years, then we took four months to write the album and record it. Perhaps the album could have come out earlier but these things take time. It would have been nice to get it out before March but what are you going to do?”

“Hopefully they’ll like it! I think people that are already into the band will certainly like it but, with any luck, it will strike a chord with people who have never heard us. I’d hope we can do that with this album and that a few people outside our fans will enjoy this because we’ve incorporated a few new elements.”

“Well, we’ve maintained the Children of Bodom sound but some of the vocals have changed, we’ve played around with keyboards and some guitar layers.”

“I hope it will be remembered as a great metal album - and one that will sell more than the last. If we manage to sell just one more record than last time, then I think we can say the album’s been a success. It would be nice if people thought it was a real step forward for us, too.”

“I’d have fucking loved it!”

Thank you for that man! New elements? Sweet! New vocals? FUCKING SWEET! I hope they're not clean then:lol: No...certainly not!