They've always started the interviews in the first hour, so I think it will be around 22.00, and they've always played 2-4 songs from the band they are interviewing, last time they played a few songs from CRY, I wonder what songs they will play today, could be only Blooddrunk, but I don't think so.
If finland is GMT+2 it should be 20:00 here in Sweden, which means 1 hour and 45 mins to go, some finn that could confirm this?
Hey, just wanted to know how to log in to that metal show on YLeX. Don't understand a word on that page and haven't found any finnish-french dictionnary or else. Could someone just tell me what link to click on to login ? Thx !
I'm tuned in. waiting now.
I just don't understand shit of what the moderator is saying
You already waiting...its an hour till 21:00 here :lol:

@Inhe: Många tror jag inte kan för att jag är från Finland men jag har alltid gått i svensk skola så....:rock::kickass:

@Deathbyorder:Ja...Danskmän:kickass: :lol:
I had to set up the laptop for recording, but it went pretty quickly.
and I don't have anything to do anyway. And this way I get to listen to silly finnish rock music.
no offense, but it just sounds sooo funny :lol:
wtf...this is shit. I wish the song came from Radio Rock. They played lamb of god there last time i put it on in a car. Too bad dad got pissed at me :lol: