^Well if you don't understand danish drinking songs, of course u don't like them.. But anywho, how long does the shipping take to Europe from Whatrecords?
The truth behind the Alexi/Aleski debate:

The real Alexi Laiho had mysteriously disappeared at the shores of Lake Bodom and CoB had to find the closest thing to replace him. After AYDY they found Aleski, a look-alike who is also very good at guitar. He composed the Blooddrunk album, hence the difference in the "CoB sound". It was in fact Aleski who played on the album, not Alexi.

The more you know.
Anyone know how long What Records takes to ship to US? That red rim single looks awesome...I ordered mine like four days ago.
If i remember correctly, it takes about two days for the product to be dispatched, and 10-14 days for it to come to the US... But i got mine to Finland the day after it came out for sale, and they said it would take 6-8 days (i got mine in two days) :D
Maybe I missed it but anyone know what the other covers are going to be released on? I know they recorded 4, 1 on the single and one will be on the deluxe edition of BD so... the other two are just not being used?
The truth behind the Alexi/Aleski debate:

The real Alexi Laiho had mysteriously disappeared at the shores of Lake Bodom and CoB had to find the closest thing to replace him. After AYDY they found Aleski, a look-alike who is also very good at guitar. He composed the Blooddrunk album, hence the difference in the "CoB sound". It was in fact Aleski who played on the album, not Alexi.

The more you know.
That's what happens if you fool around at Lake Bodom.
As you know, the Reaper want's more :lol::lol:
The truth behind the Alexi/Aleski debate:

The real Alexi Laiho had mysteriously disappeared at the shores of Lake Bodom and CoB had to find the closest thing to replace him. After AYDY they found Aleski, a look-alike who is also very good at guitar. He composed the Blooddrunk album, hence the difference in the "CoB sound". It was in fact Aleski who played on the album, not Alexi.

The more you know.


Maybe I missed it but anyone know what the other covers are going to be released on? I know they recorded 4, 1 on the single and one will be on the deluxe edition of BD so... the other two are just not being used?

Lookin Out...: BD Single and some BD album versions
Ghost Riders...: BD album almost worldwide
Just Dropped In: Japanese BD album version

Suicidal Tendencies: released along with Hellhounds as 2nd single with Hellhounds video enhaced as on T,L&S CD (notice that this is my theory, it can or not be true)
I think my vinyl was dispatched on the same day or the next day or something.

I have it already. :O


Fukkin' awesome.
JOONAS: Looks like it, yeah. That's the reaper in the middle again, tree truck on the right, leaves hanging above.

It's got on it

"45 RPM (Reapers Per Minute) :D:D:D

CHILDREN OF COB: Sorry!!! :cry: I didn't know it was a suprise for anyone.

That's the artwork on it. The sticker is basically the same as one of the other vinyls, black circle with the red hand.
Don't worry, I'll get over it, :lol: So the famous sticker of the picture disc it's just the fucking retarded hand in a black circle??

Scroll down this page

@ Mitch and children of COB (get a friggin' name will ya :D ) I see you got the pic disc with the red rim. There's also one with a clear rim but the red one is super rare. There's a picture of it here