NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

danielfreyberg: Guess which instrument this eq curve belongs #cob10 #finnvoxstudios #studiolife

Same, this is not the type of statements that makes me look forward to the album. An intro song, great. Neo-classical things back, great. Rock'n'Roll, meh... Sounds like it's going to be even more riff-oriented (which is bad for melodies) and with the typical pentatonic solo (like Was it Worth it?) -_- Not that appealing.
“...It’s really shaping up to be better than I thought it would be, and I swear to fuck I’m not just saying that!”

Should this be interpreted he expected it to suck, or it's shockingly good? Let's find out...

"...a lot more straightforward as far as song structures go."

So like Transference and many songs on IWC. Depends if this is good or not. Don't fucking dumb down the music to appeal to wider audience. OK, I understand, who wouldn't capitalize on the possibility to score gold vein cash and live a good life. But still. It's sacred art. Bodom fans are musically intellect and enjoy deep and rich composions as long as they have feel. Of course it was I that kept suggesting a few years ago they should try simplifying the songs (like Hypocrisy), sacrificing technicality for atmosphere, which they tried with IWC (except they forgot about the atmosphere part a bit). This time I tried convincing them to shorten the songs' duration whilst increasing speed, to make the songs seem more rich and full despite having only the same amount of musical information...

"...we started cutting bits, stripping it down a little bit and getting rid of all the extra shit!”

Like what, solos? They wouldn't get rid of good tidbits and nyances, would they? Sounds concerning. When you make songs too simple, they may be catchy and flowing, but they will lose their charm very soon, instead of getting better over the years like their older material.

"’s an actual song that’s about a minute long."

They had an intro on RRF (that they decided to use only live) and it was better than the album itself, would've been too promising... Why would they play a minute-long song live? I guess only as intro to the 2nd track. This explains why eleven songs.

"I Worship Chaos was also pretty straightforward but it’s got more of a rock’n’roll vibe to it."

More rock'n'roll vibe than IWC, how is that even possible for them...?!? And at the same time Jaska claims it's like Hatebreeder. What the hell?! Maybe it means it's faster but simple, creating darkness in this way, like a psychological trick: when nothing's happening, you expect something eerie looming behind the corner... but it never comes. Like creating suspense without climax. That kinda sounds dark, but isn't satisfying for many listens. I hope these are just my neurotic conclusions. Please let me be positively surprised.

Sounds like they're sticking to comfort zone instead of challenging themselves as musicians. COB is supposed to be wildly creative and musically impressive, not just rock and roll. Does it still come from the heart, or have they gone full commercial? Maybe I'm putting too much emphasis into straightforward and rock, because it was a short interview that didn't dig deep at all.
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Don't get me wrong, rock is great if it means rock in the way of Banned from Heaven, Children of Decadence, or even the ideas Alexi wrote for Hundred Guitars... (or any great rock influenced music from 80's and so on) but if rock means something like Hold My Tongue or We're Not Gonna Fall (meaning rock as 'not metal') then that's just not Bodom at its best... so it depends what it means. I'd say Ugly is a song that's as rock as it gets for Bodom and that song is still great at moments, but to be epic you desperately need the darkness factor, because Bodom's attractiveness lies in how they can make darkness sound enchanting and tempting. They should always go back to Warheart because that song establishes what they are like at their best. Well, rock is at least better than thrash. :yuk:
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Alexi's notion of what rock'n'roll is can be easily grasped when you remember he's a fan of Bam Margera and CKY-type shit.
It's good those guys have that side project to vent out that side of their musical desire, although Alexi's main band is the most distant, as 80's rock is closer to The 69 Eyes, Santa Cruz and Reckless Love. It's kind of hard to incorporate pure 80's rock to metal without making it rock. Subtle differences, and it's probably easier to compose instinctively rather than intentionally, but just as we humans can tell apart hundreds of people we know only by different faces and even just different voices, or how we can tell apart hundreds of different plants by their smell or taste, we can tell apart subtleties of music which is why there's so many sub-genres. With taste of course rock-riffs can serve great purpose in sections of any metal genre. But I believe Alexi wasn't talking about rock technically, but the uninterrupted flow of a song.
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I was just thinking about something. CoB will be playing in Festivals soon (starting 7th June). Since the album is ready now, should we expect to see a new song on the setlist?
I was just thinking about something. CoB will be playing in Festivals soon (starting 7th June). Since the album is ready now, should we expect to see a new song on the setlist?
Don't think we will. They did it back before Hatebreeder was released but I don't think they've ever done it since HB's release. All other bands also tend to make an announcement that there'll be songs from the new album on gigs if the new album hasn't been released.
I was just thinking about something. CoB will be playing in Festivals soon (starting 7th June). Since the album is ready now, should we expect to see a new song on the setlist?
They did this for an AYDY song and I remember Alexi saying they never would again because people were putting it on YouTube and listening to a crappy quality one and he thought it would be ruined or something.
Yeah did it with In Your Face. I think it's best to present a new song in the album's soundworld instead of the neutralized colorless live sound.
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At least I would want to hear the new songs first from the actual album, it feels kinda lame to not know the song in the concert bc you can't sing along and stuff...

^In Your Face is like that one hit song every band has that you get sick of hearing after like a month. It's a good song but I skip it every time bc it's like ":/ its this one eh"