NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Next year? Seriously? Next year?! For fuck sake, how fucking long are they going to post-pone this album... 1- Autumn 2017 2- Spring 2018 3- Autumn 2018 4- Spring 2019? Jeez....
So they could've spent at least 4 months more time for creating the album. Now it's tidy and ready only to be set on the shelf for another half a year.
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Nuclear blast has a heavy schedual until x-mas. A lot of bands new albums on the lable are pushed back. It’s a part of the new philosophy and strategy that no bands should compete on album sales.
Or maaaybe Alexi and cru are not really satisfied with what they've done and they need to re-record the album...quoting Alexi here "It’s really shaping up to be better than I thought it would be"...that sounds sad and with bad expectations...and they even don't have artwork at all and no song titles yet...all of this looks suspicious.
^Plus to that the silence. Something definitely reeks... Now we're supposed to just wait another half a year just so Nuclear Blast can have more money while listening to it? Not cool for fans. Label is supposed to serve a band, not the other way. Exactly who is such a great artist their release goes above a new Bodom album? This is insulting on many levels... Maybe the album is just not very good so they think it's better to use a long time building enthusiasm. Anyways, fuck them.
This is so disappointing from both the band and the label. No matter what the reasons are, they should just be clear about it. Wanna push the album back because you aren't satisfied with it ? Say it. Because the label has other releases planned ? Say it. etc...
What type of PR campaign is that....?
Once the album was ready, the band thought it was gonna be released September, then they're told it won't be released until next year... Why not use this time to go back and enrich the music, if something feels lacking? If there's some unison solos missing, or something... I'll gladly wait another half a year if they get the time to improve and add missing things on the album. That's a short time for something you want to be eternal music... I miss the level of excitement from the band and the fans that we saw last time with Blooddrunk...
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I doubt there such a thing as going back to tinker with a nearly-done album, except for those manufactured bands that don't do anything on their own. At most, perhaps Alexi is having a hard time coming up with lyrics and thus recording vocals.

So if NB releases one album a week, they can't schedule COB in the next half a year? It's not like all their releases from now till the end of the year will be melodic death metal that will compete with COB. Record labels being stupid, what else is new...
There's another one by Daniel, Jaska and Alexi, it's about the tour, not about the album. This is like pissing fans in the eye, you have a new album ready and all you care to say is this... Like how about having a clear list of coming shows, instead of making silly videos? It's impossible to find where they're touring. Well... if the album sucks, I understand the silence, and if it's good then it doesn't matter... Now that there's like half a year till the release there's no excuse for a sore spot on the album that needed a solo they never had time to do.
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Turns out the whole album is a sore spot. Something is definately wrong, as there is no info about the album apart from the one that it is recorded, mixed, mastered and done...but wouldn't that mean all the vocals are done, we would then have lyrics, song titles, their lengths and all of that? And wtf there is no artwork yet, so all that talk about it being purple is a joke. It is in the hands of the artist to decide it I guess, but we also don't have his name! I wholeheartedly volounteer to draw the artwork itself, just give me the album name, guys...C'mon, you can do it, you have five days to give us a name.
Jesus christ guys get a job or something. The album's coming. Of course I would love to hear a bit more info about it but doing all these interpretations of shit doesn't help at all. I hate waiting but it doesn't necessarily mean something went horribly wrong.
Maybe an explanation from the band about why the album is coming later would be a nice thing to do....

Oh and btw, Alexi now has an official instagram. Don't know what happened to the alexiwildone, it seemed pretty legit :D But maybe he will actually start posting this time.
Today I was on a 2nd floor window and saw Janne walking the street with his gf I think, they were likely going to see Nylon Beat live. I would've stormed to ciao him and ask about he album and share my rum bottle, but I'd my computer and shit on the table so I couldn't take off that fast. I then spent the evening chilling and drinking that rum with people in the park, half the time listening to Burzum.
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