NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Daniel confirms the rock'n'roll thing. He said late this year or early next year, means next year of course. His favourite song is Follow the Reaper, wise guy.

I've pretty much lost hope for this album, since they don't seem excited enough to say anything.

First interview from Daniel I think. Good thing to get a bit more interaction from him. I'm intrigued by the neo-classical comments but I'm not expecting the album to be anything spectacular. If it's as good as HOB I'll be happy.
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I am so ashamed of the English level of my fellow countrymen XD

It's awful, I agree. Visited France some years ago, went to a restaurant, ordered what I believed to be a steak... and got a big chunk of liver. Not exactly the best restaurant visit I've had in terms of the food (Though it was definitely the funniest). The liver was in some small glass bowl and I, at first, though it to be some kind of an appetizer. The slow realization that there would be no saving steak incoming, that the big pile of something was the only food I was going to get, was quite... interesting? :D
"Hey friends - The album is now mixed & mastered and we've been working hard on finalizing the artwork and everything related to it. Can't wait for you all to hear it - more updates will follow!

On a serious note- It's been brought to our attention that someone is approaching women, fans, on the internet through various social media platforms stating that he is “recruiting for music videos” and other requests such as this. This is a scam. This is not how we cast for music videos. If you have been contacted by someone pretending to be a representative of Children of Bodom - or even pretending to be a band member themselves - you should report them to the platform by which they contacted you and also report them to the local police. It's very easy to create false email accounts and profiles, and we can assure you that it’s not a band member or a manager contacting you. For your safety, don’t send photos or communicate with these people and report them. Thanks."

Finalizing artwork and 'everything related to it', meaning song titles and album title. Should first see the lyrics and see if there's a fitting song title included in the lines. The artwork is late and something had to be changed about it which is weird (it's a real painting this time like HCDR, not a digital image). Somehow the band wasn't happy with the artwork if this is the case, or just want some improvement. Like they said it can't be changed that easy cos it's a real painting.

It's a distinct difference of course if the honing is done to make sure it's as epic as it can be, instead of fixing something that's broken.

Who's on Nuclear Blast's band list that gets to the Christmas market if not Bodom? I really don't know.
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"Hey friends - The album is now mixed & mastered and we've been working hard on finalizing the artwork and everything related to it. Can't wait for you all to hear it - more updates will follow!

On a serious note- It's been brought to our attention that someone is approaching women, fans, on the internet through various social media platforms stating that he is “recruiting for music videos” and other requests such as this. This is a scam. This is not how we cast for music videos. If you have been contacted by someone pretending to be a representative of Children of Bodom - or even pretending to be a band member themselves - you should report them to the platform by which they contacted you and also report them to the local police. It's very easy to create false email accounts and profiles, and we can assure you that it’s not a band member or a manager contacting you. For your safety, don’t send photos or communicate with these people and report them. Thanks."


Someone wanted to lurk groupies in a trap :D
That's what I thought too. Disappointed about the painting, needed another one, taking a lot of time... Honestly, if I were them I'd just go back to the previous artist (IWC) and go digital. The cover was great and the work amazing. No need to get all "hipster" about going back to painting if it ends up delaying the album for more than a year.... Also, I am worried the changes might take the "purple idea" away.
First video: Henkka confirms they'll release the new album early next year and says there will be a full European Tour after the summer festivals. He would recommend In Your Face to people who don't know Children of Bodom (ugh..).
Second video: Absolutely nothing on the new album.
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The label didn't select it to the Christmas market, so they see it as not a very good album? Sad. This is close to 4 year gap between Bodom albums, it exceeds the second longest wait by over a year, fucking pisses me off.
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In Your Face for new fans? One of the worst choices to start with IMO. I would never have listened to another Bodom song had IYF been my first song by them (The very first song was probably Tie My Rope and I hated it. A year or two later I heard Done with Everything, Die for Nothing and realized that perhaps Bodom wasn't such a bad band after all (I hated screaming vocals back then, but DWEDFN had such cool riffs in it that I was able to ignore that dislike)).
Nothing makes sense. If there's Hatebreederish vibes and purple artwork, how could it possibly be bad... the worrying came after Alexi described it straightforward, simplified and rock'n'roll and this long delay, and not much hype from the band yet. I do still believe I'll like it more than the brown and yellow album, if there's any darkness in the soundworld.
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It would be crazy not to build on the Bodom album since they have so many months more time to work on it than they thought. Unless they're 1) satisfied with it or 2) have given up on it or lost passion or 3) if it's technically hard and complicated to meddle on a finished project. I hope it's 1, but I would guess 3. This is an odd situation and if the band didn't know about the delay then it's quite a trick from the record label. If there's lack of musical material we'll be thinking the band could've used that extra four months to come up with another cool section for every song...
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