NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

The video has been up on their facebook page since thursday i think so it's legit! Also hi, a new member here, I just signed up for this forum although I've been coming here for a long time.

Hi Baptizedinalcohol, welcome to the forum.
I just checked their facebook page again and no signs of a video mentioning that, would you mind sharing the link with us?
Alexi said it on a video. But I'm thinking, since it's only for hundred first announced people in a restaurant, maybe they can't even bring recording device in, so only they will hear it, and it won't be released for a long time... this is after all way too early for a single, as the album release is over half a year away. I really dislike Helsinki, so I'll wait.
I can confirm this. Saw the video some days ago, but forgot to post it here. I'm not sure whether or not they'll release the song, but they'll most likely hear it.
I think they'll collect recording devices away also because otherwise there's a hundred flashing droids floating over a supposed death metal crowd... it would look so dumb on a video. Is there any legit guy going who understands music and could give us a description of the song? Given how message boards aren't used these days it's well possible we'll not hear anything for months.
well can find it in the videos section on their page. They didn't post it on the timeline or anything.
Just went and found nothing there. But if it's in Finnish, it would matter anyway since I wouldn't understand.
I think they'll collect recording devices away also because otherwise there's a hundred flashing droids floating over a supposed death metal crowd... it would look so dumb on a video. Is there any legit guy going who understands music and could give us a description of the song? Given how message boards aren't used these days it's well possible we'll not hear anything for months.
I'm actually so tired of those phones at concert. Like, honestly, who ever rewatches the shitty pictures/videos that they took during concert? I understand that some people have really nice devices that allow them to record/film in a good quality, so why not if that's the case. But the majority of people are filming with shitty phones and will end up never rewatching those videos. So why bother and not simply enjoy the moment?
I actually read somewhere that some bands ask fan to leave the phone at the entrance or to come without. I really like the idea and would definitely be happy to see Bodom do something like that.
Yeah that's a good idea. Mayhem also had a request intro to keep phones away for atmosphere's sake. Metal concert is supposed to be for atmosphere and banging head, not holding these little screens in the air like a troop of floating little robots hypnotized by the music. I dislike the smart phone culture with a passion and still don't have one.
Well, I love smartphones and use them for tons of reasons, in tons of occasions. But a concert isn't one of them. People taking picture/video during concert are, in my opinion, the same as the people during lectures who type everything the lecturer says never to read their "notes" again. It's pointless, everyone does it, and it pisses off everyone.
^They just do it to show on social media that they have such a wild life, going to concerts and all, experiencing. I think it should be banned in the crowd just like smoking is these days.

Five days until single.
They probably won't, but that's a first step towards the public release of the single. At least some people will get to listen to it a few times and, who knows, maybe some of them will share their thoughts about the song and give us an idea of the general "feeling" of it.
I think they will see if someone records it on youtube and then release the song if that happens. Otherwise they'll make the video first, but even that shouldn't take more than a day. Why should they treat these 100 lucky guys special? They could've as well used my idea and make everyone pay 500 euros who want to hear the music in advance.
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^Homestly hearing a song in andvance for a music video isn't always good. I was on a Turmion Kätilöt video and after having to listen to the song for 12 hours I always skip it. I don't think it's special treatment in this case because you gotta earn that place by being fast. It's not like they just picked the Elite Old Fans for a preview. I was fuckin taking a nap when that post happened but luckily all my friends are COB fans so my phone buzzed like crazy with messages!!

I'm one of those people going on the video! I am not allowed to talk about it much but yes, the phones and stuff will be taken away from us at the door and then given back. I'll come back to tell you what I thought of the song but I'm not gonna give any spoilers :D

And about phones in concerts in general. I love taking pics, just a couple though. I think trying to get the right kinda picture kinda kills the mood because you can't dance and stuff. Also trying to headbang and watch out for people's precious phones is so frustrating sometimes, because in the front row the people behind me will stick their phone in front of my face. Fuckin have fun watching that shitty video at home later, I will ruin it by screaming along to the song. At least I'm a good singer lol

Still don't think you should take away phones because what if you need to find a friend or something? My friend had a panic attack at a concert and got lost from her friends, it would have made things so much worse if she couldn't have texted anyone. At a GazettE show they just told us at the door that you'll get kicked out if you take pictures. It was a small venue and that worked, I didn't see any phones.
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So I'm one of those people going on the video! I am not allowed to talk about it much but yes, the phones and stuff will be taken away from us at the door and then given back. I'll come back to tell you what I thought of the song but I'm not gonna give any spoilers :D

And about phones in concerts in general. I love taking pics, just a couple though. I think trying to get the right kinda picture kinda kills the mood because you can't dance and stuff. Also trying to headbang and watch out for people's precious phones is so frustrating sometimes, because in the front row the people behind me will stick their phone in front of my face. Fuckin have fun watching that shitty video at home later, I will ruin it by screaming along to the song. At least I'm a good singer lol
You must momentarily turn into Joonas 2.0 and write us an essay about all the trees and lakes you see when listening to the song!

On a more serious note, I'd be interested in things like, what's the melody / riff ratio, is the song slow or fast, any neo-classical stuff in it? And of course, what you thought of it as a whole. Comparisons to old stuff are very welcome too. Don't take any pressure though, we'll survive with whatever you give us :)
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You must momentarily turn into Joonas 2.0 and write us an essay about all the trees and lakes you see when listening to the song!
Me and Joonas have that thing in common that listening to music seems like a very visual experience! I see it very much in colors and I like to paint while listening to music. So maybe you'll get some of that :D
Can't wait to hear what fans think of it rather than the typical promotional premade lines "It's oldschool, but also fresh", "It's different, but it's still definitely us", etc... Not that it is always wrong, but we hear the same over and over again.
As ESA said, if you could give us as much informations as possible afterwards, that'd be amazing. And I don't really think you can "spoil" a song by writing about it, so don't worry about that haha.

But anyway, you're a lucky man, so try to enjoy this as much as possible in the name of all those who can't be there :D
Oh, also, could you let us know WHERE it will be filmed? I would love to have an idea of the setting. And if you get a chance, try to ask for a release date of the video ^^