It's about the upcoming finland tour. They said each night is going to have a different setlist. So each bandmember nakes two setlists. According to the video Jaska has chosen that they'll play Suicide Bomber on the nights he is responsible of. So the reaper talks about that to them and gives them numbers that decide which night each guy.
And about the song. I did say I didn't remember it at night. I was so overwhelmed by all the cool stuff that happened. But today at work I remembered the melody again. I was expecting it to be a little bit more gloomy, yes, it wasn't very dark. (In the way I don't think Hate Me for example isn't a very dark song in my opinion) I have to say that kinda understand now what Alexi meant by "rock n roll". But that doesn't mean it isn't heavy. I can't fuckin explain it, please don't let my words change your expectations.
Now I'm annoyed I can't listen to it more

Because it is good but how do I explain a song to someone who can't hear it?
And "the only thing" is the post by me? I'm pretty sure people don't wanna spoil the song, also these times I think the most COB fans on the internet are on Facebook or Instagram instead of this forum. I'm pretty sure that in some facebook group the conversation is going on well.
Also people whining about COB not caring about adverstising themselves enough; there was a reaper themed cool as fuck video about the finland tour? Then this seems to be a video series of short clips, they posted little bits to instagram to build up the excitement. I think that's pretty cool.
I mean I remember the time when I had to wait ages for info in some music magazine that someone maybe scans here or do I have to buy it