NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

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" Children Of Bodom vetää jokaisella No place like home -kiertueen keikalla eri settilistan! Tällä kertaa viikatemies antoi vuoron Jannelle ja näissä seteissä kuullaan ainakin Shovel Knockout! "

" Näillä Children Of Bodom No place like home -kiertueen keikoilla, joille Daniel tekee settilistat, tullaan kuulemaan ainakin Banned from Heaven! "

Banned from Heaven! :D
I hope someone at least tells us the setlists they played. Although these times it's incredibly possible we will never know. All because of smart phones = dumbing of people.
I'm going to 5 shows and they play banned where I'm not going... I need more money :D It's one of my all time favorite songs.

Also Joonas, I wouldn't blame smart phones. People have always been dumb. Dumb people have always gone to shows. It's not making you any dumber if you already are dumb. You know, teenagers were idiots already in the 60's.
Yea but ten years ago you would've had at least 20 of the 100 people messaging here about the song. The new generation doesn't learn to write or read longer than three word sentences. They're listening to fucking crap pop music and continue destroying the nature, despite having a smart phone in their pocket that makes access to wisdom possible, yet they think they've figured it all out. Even video games and movies these days are crap.

There's technology available for perfection, but it's used for absolutely braindead mainstream nonsense! I gave up on humanity long ago and now live a "hermit life" alone in my wisdom. I don't care if the art of my choice or my lifestyle appeals to only one person out of a hundred, I just put shades on and watch the world burn. As long as I still have trees growing in my yard, so be it.

Btw it was you who couldn't wait for the song, not me. ;) But really, Helsinki... they'd have to make a Follow the Reaper pt.2 and even then drag me into that place.
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" No place like home -kiertueetta varten Viikatemies käski Children Of Bodomia vetämään jokaisella keikalla eri setin. Settilistat jaettiin ja Henkan seteissä kuullaan ainakin If you want peace... Prepare for war... "

" Niinhän se oli, että Children Of Bodomin No place like home -kiertueen jokaisella keikalla soitetaan eri settilista! Alexi sai viikatemieheltä tehtävän ja näillä keikoilla kuullaan ainakin Shipping Out to Boston! "

If you want peace... Prepare for war... (Henkka) & Shipping Out to Boston (Alexi)!
Oh... Disappointing. If you want peace... Prepare for war isn't much of a surprise. I knew Henkka prefered this type of songs. But Shipping Out to Boston... Really? Of all their discography, that's what Alexi picks..?
I hope it's just a joke to settle down expectations / lower their pressure, and there will be many exciting songs. I hope. Do I think so? I don't know... it would really be a cold shower for fans if Alexi found that song more exciting than say Punch Me I Bleed or... well for example he likes Tie My Rope while the others don't.

Definitely refreshing to see them practice daring song decisions. For the past twelve years they were known to play more or less a predictable setlist. At some point I even said it would be clever to postpone the next album instead of forcing it out, and see what gems they can dig from their catalogue. Cos it's true. They even have UNPLAYED songs that would stir more excitement than a new album (unless it was a bloody good album).
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If You Want Peace is such a good song though, I'm super excited about that! I actually was talking about this tour with a friend a while ago and said I wish they'd play that!!

And Joonas, I kinda agree with you too, I think the all time access to smartphones makes people impatient and illiterate. But again, it isn't the fault of smartphones, it's the way people use them. Dumb people get dumber but smart people use them as a tool to get smarter. This is kinda offtopic though.

And of course, I'm a fan so I took the chance to hear a song in advance. I couldn't wait! :D But for you to send a message that you "deserve to know" this information about a band that "owes" you more of the stuff you liked... So you didn't want to hear becayse you weren't excited and then you complain about how kids these days aren't as interested in COB anymore. News flash, just because you don't like new COB as much, doesn't mean no one else does. Times have changed, people prefer different social media platforms that old forums like this. A lit of fans don't even know this forum exists.
Well, I do believe that the 'real fans' (can't find a better word) are the one who would eventually come across this forum. Other people might enjoy CoB, of course, but they probably don't have the same level of dedication to the band or the same expectations from them.
I completely agree with what you said about the new CoB thought: "just because you don't like new COB as much, doesn't mean no one else does". I don't understand people who, for any band, say "meh, it's bad, they changed, they don't respect their fans". Some bands change (CoB), some band stay the same (AC/DC). That's how it is, and I'm fine with it.

Also, regarding smartphones. I use mine daily for language learning. It's a fantastic tool for those wanting to know more, to learn more. But how can people be that dumb with this instant access to all of the world's knowledge. Well, as someone (I don't remember who) said: "In the age of informations and technology, ignorance is a choice, and therefore should be a crime".
I mean I know a lot of COB fans but I'm pretty much the only one of them who uses this forum. But we talk about their music, how excited we are about the upcoming tour and album, we talk about that shit daily on whatsapp, instagram, tumblr and facebook. I know a couple guys who know most of their songs on guitar, fuckin love the music but don't realle care about analyzing any of that online, but they sure like to talk about it in real life while having a beer. This kind of forums are not as popular as other social medias anymore. I have seen that change myself in the last ten years. Doesn't mean people don't like to talk about music anymore.

I found this forum in 2008 when just getting into COB. I read pretty much all the threads and interviews/videos with a dictionary in my other hand because I hardly knew any english. Took about a year and I spoke it fluently. So this forum has been a thing that I check out at least weekly for ages. Just didn't think I'd have anything important to say until like 2015 when I started translating interviews.

I don't think people even check out the official websites anymore, they go for the social media pages so they can subscribe and see that shit faster and share it.
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New people have come to this forum and signed up - Problem is most of the guys on here are either unfriendly or can't accept that some people do prefer Blooddrunk/RRF/AYDY/IWC.

Maybe we should post onto the Bodom facebook/instagram next time they post something telling others to sign up and discuss there hopes for the new album etc.

I fully welcome new people if it means I don't have to read the drivel of the forum madman every other post
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^Yeah tbh this forum has a pretty bitter atmosphere most of the time. I understand not liking the old stuff but reading messages like "the next one will be their last lol new cob sucks alexi has become an emo teen skater" doesn't make me wanna log in. Of course you are entitled to an opinion but some tend to take shit too personally like Alexi writes stuff you don't like on purpose :D
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Yeah thankfully I like all the albums (Something Wild is a bit meh) - I can appreciate what each has to offer and I'm not longing for that neo-classical sound. I like thrash metal so it's all good. If this new album is anything near to Halo of Blood I will be made up.

However back on topic - I'm still 100% sure there is some lawsuit going on with Roope or something. There is literally no reason a record label would hold back for near 12 months. Maybe he was contracted into so many albums with the band etc. or wants royalties for I Worship Chaos.
^Still it's weird they thought it would be out at September, that's why they made it in time for September. Had they known it can be published only next year, they'd had so many months more time to work on the album, enrich it with unison solos and whatever.