NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Meh. The French review is made by a guy who obviously has no idea what he is talking about. He said he hasn't listened to CoB since Are You Dead Yet? and that he remembers only Laiho's beautiful shiny hair and calls him Alexis....
"We get very good songs from this album, like The Road or Soon Departed, a beautiful keyboard intro on Hecate's Nightmare, mid-tempo parts that make you headbang. Kick In The Spleen, the most energetic of the album, leaves no place to doubts, Alexi is in da place !!! Nostalgic hits which reminds us of COBHC with Knuckleduster and which reminds me of the awesome concert of the Crew. Hexed will please all the fans. Fat and heavy riffs, keyboard symphonies, breaks and mid-temp that could almost make hardcore fan happy, epic chorus and a relentless aggresivity.

Not the best album for me (because the old albums are dear to my heart), but in the top 5. A nice comeback for the Finnish combo who proves they aren't done surprising us and making us headbang yet.


This is so badly written... It's a pain in the ass to translate... Even I, as a native French speaker, struggled to understand what this journalist was trying to say...
New review:


" It is also worth mentioning that the band’s seamless transitions between Laiho and Wirman during solos are again present, and the title track principally demonstrates the cohesion that these two artists have with each other and how they can effortlessly transition the same passage of music between their two instruments. "

" Make no mistakes, Hexed is a strong release from the Finnish quintet and one which not only pays respect to their past and shows how far they have come during their career, but also highlights how far they have left to grow, particularly in light of the injection of new blood into their ranks. This release isn’t likely to blow the pants off the broader metal community that are searching for the next big thing, but it does mark the second coming of a beloved band that people still look to for inspiration some twenty-five years on in their career. While not without its drawbacks, this is still an enjoyable album and is definitely a good showing from what feels like a Children of Bodom that is finally realizing their full potential. "
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These reviews are getting me so hyped, the wait is killing me!
Also I've been listening to Knuckleduster a bit lately and appreciating it more, I'm so excited to see what they did with it on the new record.
My expectations were a little bit higher for this ballad. iIwas expecting some harmony leads like Angels & Everytime i die going all along with some nice atmospheric strings fills in the background. Now we have only rythmics boring riffs..