New album update

At the first listen it sounds like all the songs sound pretty much alike. Gotta give it some more spins... Joey's vocals still annoy the fuck out of me at times. So far the best song for me is probably Zero Tolerance, which is also the thrashiest one on the CD.
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I won't be listening until it's actually released, but it's cool to see it's getting so much praise here - can't wait to hear it.

One of my friends on Facebook told me he thought Evil Twin was one of the weakest songs on the album - do you guys agree on that?
Evil Twin is somewhere in the middle for me.

Agree with Anonymous re the title track being one of the weakest tunes - although I've now spun the whole thing 7-8 times and it's grown on me heaps!! Fave tracks are You Gotta Believe, Monster At The End (Joes's vocals are amazing on this), Suzerain, All Of Them Thieves, Zero Tolerance (somehow reminds me of Imitation of Life the way it closes the record).

Absolutely loving this record. I honestly believe it's a stronger record overall than WM.

(Edit) Forgot to say - Jon Donais's lead work on the record is stunning. So good to hear him lay down some of his own contributions now. There's plenty tasty lead fills as well as solos throughout.
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Jon Donais's effort on this is really something of a revelation here. I'm fucking impressed. He's all over the album just tearing it up.

They haven't written anything as straight up thrashy as Zero Tolerance since Among.
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Looks like someone at the shitty rc ducked it up for them,they should just try and release it as early as possible now, yes the promo will be bad but may as well get it out as soon as possible , how could it have been on spotify,Scott was only bagging them out last week
I just read online that apparently all of Nuclear Blast's February releases somehow leaked yesterday.
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