New amp suggestions. Please help!


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Ok, so I only have about $500 to work with. My gear is very old-school right now, and my Amp is dying (it's an old 2x12 Crate). On top of that, i'm still stuck using the dreaded MT-2 -- I haven't had money to buy myself a POD! :( So, now that I have to replace my amp AND want to get some new effects, what would any of you recommend for my limited budget?

I was thinking of getting a [ame=""]Line 6 Spider III 150 2x12 combo Amp[/ame].
Would any of you recommend this amp?

I'm not looking for anything to really crank loud for gigs -- my friend already lets me hijack his extra 4x12 cab & head for practice & gigs. I'm mainly looking for a good practice amp, as well as an amp to possibly record with. I have an SM57 that I mic my amp with for recording... so I don't need an output.

Any other suggestions? Recommendations? Cautions?

Thank you, in advance!
Definitely not the spider, that amp is horrible in my opinion, it can be loud, but it doesn´t nice.

I recomend you this.

but the 2x12 version, is all tube, is loud, sounds awesome, and is cheap. what else you need, haha

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely put that on the list to try.

The main reason why I was leaning towards the Spider, was that I would get a new 2x12 amp, as well as a wide array of Line 6 sounds (since I don't have a POD) for a decent price. Again, i'm stuck with either just clean-tone that comes standard with my current amp, or using my MT-2 Boss Metalzone. LOL. It seems to be the mockery setup of any metal guitarist.

Does this B-52 have good effects? I know i'm asking for the best of both worlds for under $500... but I think there's gotta be something out there where I can get a wide array of effects AND a decent new amp. Maybe i'm being too greedy and wanting something too great for a cheap price.
The b-52 doesn´t have effects but reverb, you can use an effects unit in the loop and still have a nice tone, but if you want and amp with effects, you can try the Peavey Vapyr.

Used 5150 combo

Done! :D Just make sure to get some casters for it! :yow:

LOL! I'd LOVE to get a 5150 combo. But I can't seem to even find one used for under $500. I'm looking on ebay, but all of them seem to be ending at way higher than $500.

Honestly, I'm done buying used. All of my gear so far over the past 12 years of playing has all been second-hand. And it seems that the equipment (amps or guitars) just seems to fail faster being used and all. Preferably, I want to buy new. I'll buy used as a last resort... but this is going to be my last investment into my rig for at least a few years.
I'm not sure if I want to go the tube route, as I don't want a lot of hissing or noise coming from the amp when it's on. I'm not using it to play live or crank up really loud (where tube amps really shine). I'm mainly looking for something that's used as a practice amp, and a mediocre recording amp.
I was thinking of getting a Line 6 Spider III 150 2x12 combo Amp.
Would any of you recommend this amp?

Don't do it. The lead guitarist in my band uses the head and it's absolutely terrible. In the practise room it's loud, but there's no definition whatsoever unless you put the bass right down (whatever amp model it's on) - and then it's just a fizzy mess. It sounds worse than the Marshall ValveState the other guitarist uses.

Then I tried to record it - it's still fizzy as Hell, and you have to make cuts everywhere to make it usable. I couldn't get any kind of low-end chunk without it being really woofy. I tried the Line Out too, but despite the input signal in the DAW being like -20dBs, and the amps master being at around 2 it sounds like it clipped.

uber, where in az you located there are several good combos available on craigslist, there is a 5150 combo for $550 and a Triple X combo too, as well as a peavey vypyr 75 watt.
Don't do it. The lead guitarist in my band uses the head and it's absolutely terrible. In the practise room it's loud, but there's no definition whatsoever unless you put the bass right down (whatever amp model it's on) - and then it's just a fizzy mess. It sounds worse than the Marshall ValveState the other guitarist uses.

Then I tried to record it - it's still fizzy as Hell, and you have to make cuts everywhere to make it usable. I couldn't get any kind of low-end chunk without it being really woofy. I tried the Line Out too, but despite the input signal in the DAW being like -20dBs, and the amps master being at around 2 it sounds like it clipped.


Wow, thanks for the detailed advice! Sounds like all i'm hearing is stay away from Spider in-general. LOL. I thought that since the POD was like worshiped around here, that it would be good. I guess my assumption was wrong. hahaha.

uber, where in az you located there are several good combos available on craigslist, there is a 5150 combo for $550 and a Triple X combo too, as well as a peavey vypyr 75 watt.

I live out in Queen Creek. I totally forgot about craigs list. I don't have enough for the xxx, but that 5150 for $550 might be doable. I'll have to contact him and see if he still has it since it was posted a week ago.
I'm not sure if I want to go the tube route, as I don't want a lot of hissing or noise coming from the amp when it's on. I'm not using it to play live or crank up really loud (where tube amps really shine). I'm mainly looking for something that's used as a practice amp, and a mediocre recording amp.

Tube amps are the way to go. Tube power sections really shine at high volumes, but tube preamp sections is great however loud you turn the master up
Meh, it'll sound decent as a practice amp, but recorded I think you're gonna be constantly fighting an uphill battle! With ~$500, if you can't find a 5150 combo I'd go for a Roland Cube 30X for practice amp needs and a used Peavey Rockmaster rack preamp which you can run into your interface and use with impulses! (but the 5150 combo would still be my vote)


Meh, it'll sound decent as a practice amp, but recorded I think you're gonna be constantly fighting an uphill battle! With ~$500, if you can't find a 5150 combo I'd go for a Roland Cube 30X for practice amp needs and a used Peavey Rockmaster rack preamp which you can run into your interface and use with impulses! (but the 5150 combo would still be my vote)

Why would recording with the Peavey Vypyr Tube 60 amp be an uphill battle? It has a USB interface (which probably wouldn't sound that great for recording), but wouldn't micing the amp solve any of the limited pre-amping if I don't directly connect?
Alright guys... thank you for all of the suggestions thus far! I really appreciate and trust input from this forum.

So far, I have these 3 to try out when I go down to a few music stores this weekend (if they have 'em in-stock):

- Peavey Vypyr Tube 60 Combo
- Roland Cube 30X
- B-52 AT-112 60-Watt Tube Combo Amp

Any other suggestions? Thanks!
I bought a Vox Valvetronix combo a few years ago so I would have something to easily toss in the trunk for little impromptu jams. I was pretty impressed with the tones it was capable of.
It might not be the greatest thing for recording metal stuff, but it's definitely a good practice amp.
I bought a Vox Valvetronix combo a few years ago so I would have something to easily toss in the trunk for little impromptu jams. I was pretty impressed with the tones it was capable of.
It might not be the greatest thing for recording metal stuff, but it's definitely a good practice amp.

Thanks Metalhead
Why would recording with the Peavey Vypyr Tube 60 amp be an uphill battle? It has a USB interface (which probably wouldn't sound that great for recording), but wouldn't micing the amp solve any of the limited pre-amping if I don't directly connect?

Nah, cuz mic'ing the amp almost certainly wouldn't sound too spectacular either! :erk: