New Arch Enemy is surprisingly good


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
This new album is a major improvement over the boring Doomsday Machine. Riffs are nice, solos are more original and better. Overall this is a 8/10, good stuff to listen in a car.
I will let my pirate speak for himself:

"Yaaaarch Enemy....I be stealin' this but nae I be listening unless it's worth its weight in rum."
And replace the current singer because of that. Liiva wasn't great singer, but he fit the band. Shame.
Based on your signature, I don't think you appreciate the irony of your "mediocre" comment sir.
i got the new album i like but its nothing special if you ask me...

So Arch Enemy have been inspired by Soilworks old "release three albums a year and gain more money on your mediocre music" concept? :lol:

and i dont know but 1 album every 2years is the same as 3 albums each year?
strange but i thought it became about time they put a new album out...thats also counts for soilworks new upcomming album
I just saw them with Machine Head last night. The were pretty tight, just not loud enough. Pretty boring too, like they were just going with the motions.