New Attack Attack album, take 2


Anssi Tenhunen
As the previous thread turned into an unnecessary shitstorm against Joey that ended up with people being banned and totally off-topic, lets give the subject in hand another try... Here are the most relevant posts from the thread

ahjteam said:
I just stumbled upon the Foundation Recording Studios' recording calendar and noticed that Attack Attack is hitting the studio Jan 15-Feb 28
you guys have no idea what its going to sound like

here's a few reasons why:

a. the album will be in drop b
b. no more auto tune singing
c. no more high screaming vocalist

at any rate, this album will surpass the last album

when the band was here hanging out and doing a new song a month ago, we were laughing at the old cd and how shitty it is

if any of you like the band, or just the production, you'll dig the next offering.
Drop b.

Mmm, that's good. :)

Any hints you can give us about the album, Joey?

Well, not stoked per se, but lets say that I think "Someday came suddenly" wasn't a bad album and it did have potential, but it just didn't keep me entertained more than for a few spins, except the video of Stick Stickly has given me more than a few giggles. So if the material from the next album turns out okay, I might actually buy it.
Well, not stoked per se, but lets say that I think "Someday came suddenly" wasn't a bad album and it did have potential, but it just didn't keep me entertained more than for a few spins, except the video of Stick Stickly has given me more than a few giggles. So if the material from the next album turns out okay, I might actually buy it.

i was talking about my self haha but yeah dude agreed
but i ment like i am stoked? haha i can't make up my mind, but now i am stoked
they are most definitely dropping the auto tune
johnny is most definitely getting vocal lessons

they have already recorded a new song with me for the next album, and you can expect to see it on their myspace very soon as it is finished

caleb is now the front man, nothing about the keys will change because of this... so they will still written and produced like usual, most likely created on computer as well

for live, that stuff will be on a backing track
Ill be interested to see how this turns out and what their fan base's reaction to what i can only assume will be a massive change to the bands sound.
damn im exited
this sounds good

not gunna lie
attack attacks album was shit
all their songs sounded similar

nothing special
but this seems promising
I´m interested to hear how the new songs will be without autotune, and what the fans are saying.

It´s a big step because auto-tune is somehow their sound, lets see if they have enough die hard fans that can live without it:)

And droped b is no problem with normal guitars!!!IMO the shit starts with A...
Yeah, my band tunes to dropB with 24.75' necks (ltd ec-1000) without any problems

But inspired by Architects i'm fiddeling around with a tuning where you drop the B to G#, the 24.75 doesn't cut it anymore :/
they are most definitely dropping the auto tune
johnny is most definitely getting vocal lessons

they have already recorded a new song with me for the next album, and you can expect to see it on their myspace very soon as it is finished

caleb is now the front man, nothing about the keys will change because of this... so they will still written and produced like usual, most likely created on computer as well

for live, that stuff will be on a backing track

Was it the song they have been playing live?
Sexual man chocolate?

Im super keen to hear it, i also enjoyed someday came suddenly.