New Attack Attack album

Don't be to harsh on them. What are they going to do when their audience starts to get pubic hair? They live off a trend and once that trend dies only very few will still be around.

In extreme metal, longevity is very much dependant on quality and uniqueness. The bands that survived decades while staying relevant slowly built their following.


I'm happy for Joey though, he works hard, is actually talented and deserves the success. Chances are he'll be able to make the transition once that xyz-core thing fades.
uh to be honest who the fuck cares? you know what its going to sound like so why bother are you really gonna sit around all day and start trying to make new jokes for when it drops?
yeh from what im told the autotune guy is actually going for vocal lessons still not a fan but def interested in hearing how much of a change it is with the other guy screaming now and minus the autotune
you guys have no idea what its going to sound like

here's a few reasons why:

a. the album will be in drop b
b. no more auto tune singing
c. no more high screaming vocalist



Caleb is going to retire his keys and start screaming in the front of the band.

We DO NOT have a new person in our band.

Don't worry, our music will still be full of Caleb's programming, keys, and all the good things he concocts. It will just be back-tracked live with the 808 samples and other nonsense on my iPod.
you guys have no idea what its going to sound like

here's a few reasons why:

a. the album will be in drop b
b. no more auto tune singing
c. no more high screaming vocalist


Sounds like a ridiculously blatant attempt to earn some form of credibility by not doing everything that made people hate them.
Low tuning for the br00talz, hopping on the LOL AUTOTUNE IS FAIL bandwagon just like everyone hopped on the LOL SAMPLE REPLACEMENT AND REAMPING IS FOR LOSERS bandwagon a year or two back, and LOL LOOK AT US WE DONT JUST SCREAM LIKE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES.

It's still Attack Attack, one of the most pitiful collections of "musicians" ever assembled, it's still going to be an utter abomination.

I know exactly what it's going to sound like. It's going to sound like pods, slate and a bunch of fuckwits attempting to write music and failing miserably, with disgusting attempts at electronica sections thrown in to appeal to 13 year old girls.

It's superficial bullshit what ever way you want to spin it and it's about time you had some respect for yourself and start working with some artists that aren't near-universally hated.
Yeah, you're making a living and I'm not, but at least I have my integrity.

Fuck attack attack man.
I really hate how far some of you go to rag on joey for being successful. just because he can do so much with a pod and slate drums doesn't give any of you guys a reason to rip apart everything hes done especially when he is more successful then 99% of the people on here. its really just ridiculous! this forum has gone to hell in the last year.
He doesn't do so much with pod and slate, he's refined ONE mix to a near mirror shine and I respect that. I respect that he's making a living, because I'm not making anything but pocket change.
It doesn't change the fact that everyone on this forum is entitled to an opinion and it doesn't change that everyone is entitled to VOICE their opinion.

If Joey focused only on the production side of things and let other people engineer then I know my respect for him would go back to what it once was, but it's gotten to the point where EVERY CUNT WITH POD AND SLATE IS DOING MIXES THAT ARE 99.99999999% FUCKING IDENTICAL TO THE LATEST DEVIL WEARS PRADA. And I don't know about everyone else but I'm sick, sick, SICK of hearing that same fucking mix.
I mean yeah, it's all well and good, Joey's refined this one mix to the point where it's literally created a genre of its own, but it's a genre devoid of intelligence, creativity, talent or integrity and I see no reason for anyone to think that's a good thing.

edit: i mean fuck it, i'm not expecting joey to start producing drone bands or some shit, I'd just like to hear Joey prove he isn't a one trick pony, and prove that he can mix a record that sounds less like a robot, and more like actual human beings pouring their fucking souls out into their work and creating some fucking art.

also i can see myself becoming more universally hated for being a tactless cunt for these couple of posts, so be it. i'm saying what many people here are too pussy to say themselves. someone's got to do it, might as well be me.
I really hate how far some of you go to rag on joey for being successful. just because he can do so much with a pod and slate drums doesn't give any of you guys a reason to rip apart everything hes done especially when he is more successful then 99% of the people on here. its really just ridiculous! this forum has gone to hell in the last year.

I don't think people are raggin on his success, I for one think its great, but I just don't understand why no one wants to put in the time to mic an amp and some drums, seems to me that it's all about the samples, reamping and drum replacing/programming. I would love to hear a metal mix from someone here where everything is done old school.