New blog from Mikael on his myspace


May 2, 2006
Helsinki, Finland

Mission: Impossible = Possible?

That's the way I always feel facing a recording, but yes, we're doing just fine.

Axe nailed the drums in 7 days which is just beyind me! The guy is amazing! He went up at 8 am every morning and started pounding the drums until 6-7 pm. Then he started practising again after dinner, we had to tell him to stop playing. He's truly outdone himself. Listening to the drumtracks alone makes me wanna bang my fucking head, but my stale old-mans neck prevents me. We're recording a total of 11 songs, 3 of them are covers that we're doing since we had some extra time, the rest are originals out of which I think we'll leave one off the album. Anyways, it's already my favourite Opeth record, but I'm a boasting cunt so...who cares?

The band is in terrific shape (musically that is...). We've gone out for long walks which sounds like fucking senior behaviour, but it's really nice clearing your mind for a while and talk about everyday stuff. We all cook for eachother, I do the dishes as usual. Gots to keep it sparkling clean! It's just a nice vibe down there...
We've been drunk only once so far! Had some wine, a few beers and a metal music quiz.
Jens is doing fine, him and the 2 drumtechs (Peter and Urban) has fixed us a nice drumsound. Axe is endorsed by DW drums and they must be the greatest? I don't know but to me they sound just fucking fantastic!

Tomorrow we'll start setting the rhythm guitar sound and it will be exciting! Or something like that, maybe not that exciting after all....

I've also recorded som vox for a friend of mine who's doing a solo album. I'm not sure if I can say who it is yet, but I guess it might interest some of you guys.

We've had great help from David Castillo as well, working with us after hours. Before our first break we worked from Thursday morning at 8 am until Friday morning at 5 am so our work ethic ís intact.

OK, just some info for ya! Hope is will well with you bastards!
does that mean there'll be the 10 originals plus 3 covers? or are we gonna see something similar to PTs last release with an EP released afterwards? either way this is pretty exciting. good to hear axe is tearing it up.
Great news!

If they do leave one song of the album, I do hope we will hear it, special Edition or on myspace or something :)

Did they figure out who's is going to do the production already? :p
does that mean there'll be the 10 originals plus 3 covers? or are we gonna see something similar to PTs last release with an EP released afterwards? either way this is pretty exciting. good to hear axe is tearing it up.

what's up with mathematics in australia?
11 songs, 3 of them are covers.
so 11-3=8 originals
1 left off
so 8-1=7 songs on the new album.

seems not so difficult to understand... :p
hope they do a sandy denny number, it'll take a long time would sound cool with some keys or something by the preist? Demonizer would be excellent, in the woods did a great cover of Epitaoh & i think opeth could also put there own twist on that great track.
why dismiss one of the songs? :p ... oh well, not our choice to make, just hope we'll hear it someday, although it's very possible that we never will.
and they recorded covers before, doubt they will appear on the first issue though ...
but yeah, to repeat myself: not our choice to make (unfortunately :p)