Hmm. I thought they had pretty good tone, I'm not sure why they'd want to go and copy someone's elses.
Probably just taking what they did with "Colors" and pushing the prog button even more, which I am totally down with.
Wow, I never thought I'd see a Dutchman use that expression (it's usually reserved for lazy native-speakers with poor grammar)
Could never get into Colors, and I tried - always sounded like someone was randomly tuning a radio between Dream Theater, Suicide Silence, and TBDM, just so spastic and random
And GR is my favorite Opeth CD without a doubt, and I'm not hearing too much similarity tbh! (though given that there are like 9,000 different things happening in this album, maybe I just didn't make it to the part of a certain song that has it)
Bleh, "Colors" may sound very muddy and indistinct to me, but Evangelion is just SO fucking thin; no bass, and the guitars are nasally and scratchy - WHO'S FUCKING IDEA WAS IT TO SEND IT TO COLIN![]()
My bands singer heard the cd a week or so ago since he plays in a band with Dustie and Blake. He said it was quite good, but pretty different. Probably just taking what they did with "Colors" and pushing the prog button even more, which I am totally down with.
*Ring *Ring
Kyle: Hey Dustie. This is Kyle.
Dustie: What's up dude?
Kyle: Quick question
Dustie: Shoot
Kyle: How epic is swim the moon?
Dude, are you serious? I don't wanna dwell on this too much, cuz people like what they like, and that's cool, but the first like 1 1/2 minutes of the frst full track on the album (The Decade of Statues, whatever the hell that means) is all like Suicide Silence/Whitechapel/generic deathcore riffing (I don't listen to those bands very much, so maybe my specific comparison to SS and/or Whitechapel isn't accurate, but you get the idea), and then the whole song just goes from section to different section to different section, with random notes all over the place (heavy DT influence, I agree, but that's not the aspect of DT I've ever liked) - and then that section at 4:26 might as well have pig squeals in the background (the spastic guitar/bass random lines with the almost BREE BREE BREE in the bg). In fact, yeah, the only part of this song I like is the part right after (where the layered clean vox and that cool middle-eastern style lead line come in). Back to "Evangelion" for me atm!
Also, the whole mix feels a bit muddy and undefined IMO, especially the vox, which could stand to be a bit more upfront (and the kick is a bit too pillowy for my tastes). But the bass tone is badass, and a helluva player
Decade of Statues is one of the more straight forward, heavy songs on the cd... pretty different from a bunch of the others. Maybe you should listen to all of it? haha
Don't really care how the mix sounds to be honest... it's more about the composition...
Honestly, I like his Ibanez's way better. But thats just personal preference.
Interesting thing though about the new record is they used Petrucci's presets for the new cd. I don't know exactly how all that works bc Adam didnt go into detail with Dustie about it, but Dustie said something along the lines of he emailed John and John sent him all of his settings I guess and they used those. Must be cool to be able to do stuff like that.