new cd??

Spoke to Jason Rullo at NAMM this past weekend. He said he's hoping to start tracking drums next month. He said that this is going to be a very dynamic record. A little grittier, and heavier than Paradise Lost, but also very progressive, and very dynamic. I could tell he's very excited about it. And dammit, I am now too...
Spoke to Jason Rullo at NAMM this past weekend. He said he's hoping to start tracking drums next month. He said that this is going to be a very dynamic record. A little grittier, and heavier than Paradise Lost, but also very progressive, and very dynamic. I could tell he's very excited about it. And dammit, I am now too...

Sounds promising enough. Looking forward to it.
Good news! I liked Paradise Lost, but they really need to up the keyboards in the mix this time around!

I agree. I love PL, but some of the songs annoy me with the keyboard so low in the mix that it is barely audible. Walls of Babylon comes to mind.

I have to wonder if Pinnella was cool with the "less keyboard" sound the band has taken with their last two albums. Not only were the keyboard parts lower in the mix on PL, but there were simply less parts where the keyboard played. There were four keyboard solos on the album, compared to at least one MJR solo in every song. Sure, guitar solos are part of the Symphony X sound, but to most of us, so are the keyboard solos. At least the bass tone was outstanding on PL to make up for the general lack of keyboard stuff.

I'm not complaining, though; PL was really good. I just miss the days of dueling solos and a more prominent keyboard sound. I especially loved when they put a piano "riff" over bad ass, chunky guitar riffs (e.g. Egypt, Divine Wings of Tragedy, Through the Looking Glass, Church of the Machine, etc.) To me, that is one of the most important parts of the Symphony X "sound." I hope this new album will have a high piano/chunk ratio.
A little grittier, and heavier than Paradise Lost

Very cool, unless it ends up sounding like mushy melodeath - but I trust SX to maintain a good standard, so no worries.
that you should lol! Lets wait and see what they whip up. Its Symphony X we are talking about, the word bad and symphony x just don't mix, and never have! Further Decline? Possibly in a prog snobs eyes (not pointing you out, I'm one of them lol!) But I still really dug paradise lost, even though it took a very different direction, can't wait till spring...if it doesn't get pushed back that is!

IMO, a decline for us...Really means more fans from a different background, and I'm happy for them, that after this much time they still release albums of quality!
I agree with Phanto - I'm nervous. PL was not a good album for me. I don't even listen to it anymore. If they keep going in that direction or even harder then I'll skip the next one. I hate to keep saying 'hope the next one's more to my liking' - seems like I did that a lot last year ...
Spoke to Jason Rullo at NAMM this past weekend. He said he's hoping to start tracking drums next month. He said that this is going to be a very dynamic record. A little grittier, and heavier than Paradise Lost, but also very progressive, and very dynamic. I could tell he's very excited about it. And dammit, I am now too...

Sounds interesting. What you should have asked him was if there was more of a mixed bag of songwriter contribution on this record because I think THAT will determine how different of an album it is from PL more than anything.
Sounds like further decline, but I'll keep my mouth shut until there's something to listen to.

But what about the "very progressive, and very dynamic." part? That sounds like a different direction from Paradise Lost to me.
But what about the "very progressive, and very dynamic." part? That sounds like a different direction from Paradise Lost to me.

Yeah well... Heavy, gritty, progressive, dynamic. Don't know what to make of it.

So I'll stick with my "be quiet until I've heard something from it" comment. :D
More gritty, yet also more proggy and dynamic? It sounds like a contradiction.

I felt that proggy coexisted with very gritty at it's best in Fallen. PL went too far, but is still very appreciable as a guitar-driven album. You'd just never listen to it for the same reasons you'd pop in V or Odyssey.

In theory, you could have a "grittier" album that is proggier BECAUSE of the dynamic range, as aggressive portions are interspersed with lighter, synthesizer driven stuff. Consider the effortless break into piano at about 3:30 of Accolade II, followed by the same melody on the guitar.

But the vibe I'm getting here...I'm not holding my breath on this one.
I'll agree with Phanto here. Even if they said they were going to make a hip hop album, I would wait to hear the album before making any comment. It's Symphony X we're talking about here; whatever they do they will most likely do it right. At least, that's how I feel about it.

I don't want another TDWoT, or a new V even though they're my favorites. I want some damn new Symphony X. If it's more dynamic than PL like Rullo seemed to be implying, I think I'll love it.
When I first saw "grittier and heavier than PL" my fears and assumptions started to come to realization. Then I saw "progressive and more dynamic" and had just a tiny bit of renewed hope. Even so, I REALLY don't want to get my hopes up too much as they almost always get shattered in the end. I like what was said a bit further up about "gritty" and "dynamic" being maybe a sound comparable to "Fallen" as it is one of my favorite songs off of my favorite SyX album (probably my favorite album period).

But alas, this is still no more than a single comment from the drummer of a 5 man group. I agree with what was previously said about how the question to Rullo should have been if the writing was more of a band effort than a one or two person effort (Romeo/Romeo and Allen). I really think having more of a band effort in the writing process will determine whether the new album is dynamic or not.

Also to note: I also think a good concept that the band is truly interested in for the album is a big factor in how inspired the music will be (not just for SyX, but any band).
*shrugs* Can't say I'm really bothered by something that doesn't even exist in it's final form yet (at least as far as any of us know...unless I missed something)...not to mention that fact that none of us have heard it yet. Besides...this info was from a drummer. What do they know anyway:heh: