new cd??

Set the World on Fire is definitely their most power metal sounding tune yet. Abrupt, awkward change into the chorus and rhyming "fire" with "higher" included! :p No shortage of cliches there. But it was still a little better than your typical power metal theme - Pinnella had some sweet keys at the beginning and the guitar tone is really nice and crisp.

Now, Serpent's Kiss, what the fuck was that. There were two good ideas in that song - putting the verse in 5/4 and that cool thing Romeo does during the solo. Other than that, Jesus, filler upon filler.

And Sacrifice? If not for the awesome classical guitar outro, that song would be a complete waste. If Shades of Gray didn't exist, that song would be scraping for the honor of the least impressive SX tune IMHO.

This criticism is friendly, I swear - the album as a whole was still leagues ahead of what most metal bands are doing.

(Oh, and SX technically already sing about dragons - see In The Dragon's Den and Inferno. He he he)
Set the World on Fire is definitely their most power metal sounding tune yet. Abrupt, awkward change into the chorus and rhyming "fire" with "higher" included! :p No shortage of cliches there. But it was still a little better than your typical power metal theme - Pinnella had some sweet keys at the beginning and the guitar tone is really nice and crisp.

If you're going to reduce power metal to just lyrics, then the Accolades are their most power metal tunes. No no no, Set The World On Fire has riffs, which power metal (or at least the Euro, flowery varity that Dragonforce and Sonata Arctica etc are known for) does not. Musically speaking, I'd say the chorus of "Evolution" is by far the most power metal thing Symphony X has ever done.

the whole direction the band went in for this album screamed dragon force.

Except it sounds absolutely nothing whatsoever like Dragonforce, and I say that as a fan of both bands. Alot of people think it was Pantera-ish which in my opinion is cool. I'm not a huge fan of Pantera, but they do have some cool songs and some killer riffs. Symphony X is a metal band, not an orchestra with guitars on the side.

And regardless what you think of Dragonforce's technical ability (lol like it should even matter...), their drummer played in Bal Sagoth. Respect.
If you're going to reduce power metal to just lyrics, then the Accolades are their most power metal tunes. No no no, Set The World On Fire has riffs, which power metal (or at least the Euro, flowery varity that Dragonforce and Sonata Arctica etc are known for) does not. Musically speaking, I'd say the chorus of "Evolution" is by far the most power metal thing Symphony X has ever done.

It's not just the lyrics, it's mostly the chorus that reminds me of power metal. And most power metal does have riffs (Dragonforce certainly does...) And it's got the standard PM song structure. Evolution sounds less like power metal to me because the rhythms are more interesting and the keys do something other than be annoying. Just my 2 cents

Edit: I think the double bass drum during Evolution is what might make it sound like a power metal chorus? Even so, I pick Set the World on Fire.
And Sacrifice? If not for the awesome classical guitar outro, that song would be a complete waste. If Shades of Gray didn't exist, that song would be scraping for the honor of the least impressive SX tune IMHO.

Is that the shitty ballad on the album? I think i got bitched out by many people here when i said it sucked. It's really terrible though.
Wow, are we ever harshing on PL.

No offense to anyone's opinion, but anyone whose opinion likens Symphony X to Dragonforce should be offended by the way their brain works. Say what you will about the power metal factor being amped up on PL, but comparing those songs to Dragonforce is just hilarious. Are they more power, less prog? Yeah, but I'd argue that Symphony X has never been a prog band to begin with (merely a band that enjoys tooling with progressive elements, occasionally). How any of the stuff on Paradise Lost is different in composition from songs like The Damnation Game or Out of the Ashes is beyond me. Production-wise, I agree with the above arguments. Paradise Lost clearly lacks an air of contrast and dynamics. Thanks current trend in mastering.

Am I the only who thinks The Serpent's Kiss is one of the most creative, yet straightforward SX ever written? Personally, I love it. Now, if we're arguing that Paradise Lost has filler on it, well, certainly Seven and The Sacrifice fit the bill.
Now, if we're arguing that Paradise Lost has filler on it, well, certainly Seven and The Sacrifice fit the bill.

Seven does drag a little yeah, but it has that sweet high-speed intro (you don't hear the neo-classical/shred sound so rough very often at all) and if I recall correctly there's a great swimming bass line somewhere in the middle.
The Sacrifice is the best terrible-sounding song around. You need to look at it from the right perspective to appreciate it. So far, I've been in the mood to do so approximately twice a year.

I don't think that an album like this was unwarranted in SX's repertoire. For what they did, they did a great job, and it also helped get their name out to the teeming masses. But I'd hope it's a nice place to visit, not to stay per se.
Wow, are we ever harshing on PL.

No offense to anyone's opinion, but anyone whose opinion likens Symphony X to Dragonforce should be offended by the way their brain works. Say what you will about the power metal factor being amped up on PL, but comparing those songs to Dragonforce is just hilarious. Are they more power, less prog? Yeah, but I'd argue that Symphony X has never been a prog band to begin with (merely a band that enjoys tooling with progressive elements, occasionally). How any of the stuff on Paradise Lost is different in composition from songs like The Damnation Game or Out of the Ashes is beyond me. Production-wise, I agree with the above arguments. Paradise Lost clearly lacks an air of contrast and dynamics. Thanks current trend in mastering.

Am I the only who thinks The Serpent's Kiss is one of the most creative, yet straightforward SX ever written? Personally, I love it. Now, if we're arguing that Paradise Lost has filler on it, well, certainly Seven and The Sacrifice fit the bill.

+1. Serpent's Kiss is catchy as hell and has an awesome main riff.
Set the World on Fire is definitely their most power metal sounding tune yet. Abrupt, awkward change into the chorus and rhyming "fire" with "higher" included! :p No shortage of cliches there. But it was still a little better than your typical power metal theme - Pinnella had some sweet keys at the beginning and the guitar tone is really nice and crisp.

If you're only talking about the music and melodies, I'll agree, but not lyrically - I think songs like Dragon's Den and The Relic take the gold and silver when it comes to that. Set the World on Fire is actually one of my least favorite songs on PL due to the relative simplicity of the music - the verses, pre-choruses, and riffs under the final four solos sound painfully generic. However, they were able to make it into a decent song with the chunky intro riffs, that cool recurring snake-like riff, Pinnella's keys in the intro, and the crushing outro riff. Lyrically, the chorus is full of cheese, but it is not helped by the power metal galloping behind it.

Now, Serpent's Kiss, what the fuck was that. There were two good ideas in that song - putting the verse in 5/4 and that cool thing Romeo does during the solo. Other than that, Jesus, filler upon filler.

Am I the only who thinks The Serpent's Kiss is one of the most creative, yet straightforward SX ever written?

While I wouldn't call Serpent's Kiss a "filler" track, it's certainly nothing groundbreaking to me - it sounds like a collection of really bad ass riffs with no direction. Sure, the main riff, Tool-esque verse, and orchestrated bridge are cool, but nothing really seems to stand out in this song (aside from the main riff, I don't hear anything that would be considered "classically catchy" about the song, thus I'll never understand why the band chose it as a single; I always thought that Eve of Seduction would have been a better choice).

Now, if we're arguing that Paradise Lost has filler on it, well, certainly Seven and The Sacrifice fit the bill.

I'm extremely surprised that you didn't find a way to squeeze Domination in there somewhere. I know how much you love that one!

I've always felt the same about Seven, and after 2.5 years, I still feel the same way - it's too thrashy for Symphony X. The neoclassical vibe is cool, but Seven feels like Out of the Ashes II, and not in a good way. When a band constantly runs on the same note over and over again (such as in the intro/outro and chorus), I get really annoyed. Although Symphony X's earlier works contained some of this style, I had hoped they'd outgrew this sophomoric style of writing. To Seven's credit, though, I think the mid section bass solo full of chanting chunkiness is one of the most bad ass things the band has ever written.

I don't understand why everyone seems to dislike The Sacrifice. Sure, it's not the band's strongest "mellow" song, but I like the Candlelight Fantasia-type vibe it has. I like how the song grooves, and I think the album needed a song like it near its end. I also find Romeo's solo to be pretty tasteful, and the ending classical guitar is a great close.
IMO, Sacrifice has a pretty ripping guitar solo. As a non-guitar player, it's actually one of my favorite solos from MJR. You could have played a million different typical guitar solos over it that would have done the job, but you can really tell it's Romeo's sound and style from a mile away. The man does have melody.

Shred AND style--the Symphony X difference. (Wouldn't that make a great trademark?)
The Sacrifice is far from the worst song on the album. Actually I think it's one of the better. Then again, apart from the lyrics, I think Shades of Gray is pretty good...
While I wouldn't call Serpent's Kiss a "filler" track, it's certainly nothing groundbreaking to me - it sounds like a collection of really bad ass riffs with no direction. Sure, the main riff, Tool-esque verse, and orchestrated bridge are cool, but nothing really seems to stand out in this song (aside from the main riff, I don't hear anything that would be considered "classically catchy" about the song, thus I'll never understand why the band chose it as a single; I always thought that Eve of Seduction would have been a better choice).

Though I agree that Eve of Seduction is more classically catchy (some might say in that fast, Dragonforcey way :rolleyes:), Serpent's Kiss is clearly the commercial bet. It has a power to it that a lot of the album is missing, emotional power, not heaviness. Sort of like (whether you like it or not) Metallica's "Sad But True." Knowhatimsayin'?

I'm extremely surprised that you didn't find a way to squeeze Domination in there somewhere. I know how much you love that one!

Don't get me wrong, Domination is no filler track. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing with it, I just really, really don't like it. It has the same kind of power that Serpent's Kiss has, but in a different way. I totally understand why people love it, I just prefer my Symphony X a little less harsh.

IMO, Sacrifice has a pretty ripping guitar solo. As a non-guitar player, it's actually one of my favorite solos from MJR. You could have played a million different typical guitar solos over it that would have done the job, but you can really tell it's Romeo's sound and style from a mile away. The man does have melody.

It's like the Accollade II solo, awesome because it's different and less flashy.

The Sacrifice is far from the worst song on the album. Actually I think it's one of the better.

I don't think it's a bad song, I just don't think it particularly fits the album. Honestly, it sounds like something off of Atomic Soul. If The Sacrifice were on a Russell Allen solo album, I think I'd have an entirely different opinion.

I think Shades of Gray is pretty good...

Please leave quickly now.
As much as I love the album (good driving music), I sadly have to agree with most negative posts here. Upon release date, when I first heard it, I was not very satisfied. I was massively let down, and for reasons people here have said.
Waaay too simplistic - and I agree that parts sound like Dragonforce. I even said so after my first listen to Proulxski. It may be a step above DF, but still...
Dynamics is one of my biggest gripes. The album is at FULL BLAST volume the entire time, and like somebody else said (perfectly) - loud means nothing if there's no quiet. That pause to explosion in Domination is actually my favourite second on the album.
The album is too repetative, and just extremely straight-forward. Even when they break off into a proggier part, it just sounds added in (not necessarily in a bad way - each part does fit nicely). When a song is finished, I can visualize the song structure so easily, which just gives it a cut and paste feel. Oh, the song that goes Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Solo/proggy addition!, end Chorus. I much prefer a song to be a musical experience that grows, and transforms. Sections are less obvious, and it just feels like one big piece of music.
I dunno... I just hope the next album is a step up. There is a lot of room for improvement.
I disagree. Sacrifice and Paradise lost are really soft songs. so what you say is not quite correct.
Many interesting opinions and I agree with much of what is being said.

PL is too guitar-driven. I like riffs, and I love Romeo’s playing, but he is dominating the album far too much imo. You clearly understand that he’s been the main composer of the album. I’m a big fan of Pinnella, and like others I think his keyboard playing was too low in the mix, though I can understand its purpose as a weak, kind of distant background mood. Also, I think some of the songs, like Domination and Seven, drag too long, their main riffs getting too repetitive.

PL is, as stated before, the best produced album, with a lot of aggression and power, but still I seldom listen to it in full. Actually I don’t know if I have ever done that, perhaps I will give it a try.

PL is simply not focusing enough on the elements which gives me the most with Symphony X. I find it to be too heavy/guitar-driven/un-dynamic. I wouldn’t say they lack all SX elements though; there are lots of odd time signatures, key changes and polyrhythm’s. But I would have preferred more cleanly vocal lines, clean rhythmic guitar arpeggios, and a more present Pinnella, with beautiful piano melodies and more dominating synth playing. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being heavy from time to time, but unlike other albums (Like the Odyssey), I think they didn’t get the balance quite right on PL.

So, I hope that will change for the better on the next cd; that they reduce the PL singing style, that Romeo doesn’t run the whole show, but rather let Pinnella shine through more, and that they produce a more dynamic and varieted album as a whole.

PL is still a listenable album, though. It does have good parts in every song.
Oh, and comparing it to Dragonforce is quite ridiculous imo….
Its not the softness, or hardness of the song that shows how LOUD the music it is. Its the overall production has the volume turned up to 11. Even the softer songs, Paradise Lost, Sacrifice seem out of place because of the music being turned up too loud, the only difference between those songs, and the harder songs is there is less going on.

And about the Dragonforce comparison, I'm not trying to say they are identical, that would be ridiculous! But the simplistic writing formula, the music turned to 11, and the cheesy choruses just makes them one hell of a better Dragonforce. When I say cheesy, yes the lyrics are cheesy...but that doesn't bother me. Its just how cheesy and overused the lyrics/chorus sound. The chorus sections where nothing unique, nothing symphony x, and sound something more in the vain of Dragonforce. Or any other powermetal band for that matter. Which was my overall point, Symphony X has always been a band that stood out from the rest, did/tried something different.

On Paradise Lost, that is non existent....... And don't take my criticism to harshly, you have to judge your favorite student the most. I love Paradise Lost, its a great album. But I feel it really is a hell of a step down from there past works.
And about the Dragonforce comparison, I'm not trying to say they are identical, that would be ridiculous! But the simplistic writing formula, the music turned to 11, and the cheesy choruses just makes them one hell of a better Dragonforce. When I say cheesy, yes the lyrics are cheesy...but that doesn't bother me. Its just how cheesy and overused the lyrics/chorus sound. The chorus sections where nothing unique, nothing symphony x, and sound something more in the vain of Dragonforce. Or any other powermetal band for that matter. Which was my overall point, Symphony X has always been a band that stood out from the rest, did/tried something different.

The only power metal vibe I get from any of the choruses is the one in Set the World on Fire. The other choruses were either cheesy musically, but not lyrically, or vice-versa. But I do agree about the choruses not being as strong on this album as they were on others (the only ones I really like are Revelation and Eve of Seduction). However, I've always found Symphony X's verse sections to be stronger than their choruses.