New CD's that you have gotten recently

Yeah, but the difference here is these are the burbs, so it is sometimes shocking to find the stuff you do here.
Reckless gets intake from all over the country, so its not that bizarre to find rarities there.
I scored the original Laaz Rocket "Know Your Enemy" there.
That bad boy made me some good $$$$ on eBay.

They recently had the original CD pressings of Malice "In The Beginning", Pretty Maids "Red Hot and whateverwhocares", Flotsam "No Place For Disgrace". There are always tons of rare black and death metal CDs there too.

Most recently, I scored the first Metal blade reissue of Savatage "The Dungeons Are Calling"

As I said, its just luck of the draw.
I wanted to go back and get the Malice and Flots.
I literally went there two days later and both were gone.
Yeah I stopped going because I never find anything there. Well very rarely.

The best Disc Replays (from my experience) are Crest Hill (The best), Countryside, and Bolingbrook. At least that is where I find the best stuff.

The Woodridge one was good too...when it was open. I found some Voivod there.
From Amazon:
Witchcraft - Legend
Beardfish - Void

From FYE:
Between the Buried and Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Kiss - Monster
Enslaved - RIITIIR
just got this week...

Gaskin - End of the World

Grave Digger - Clash of the Gods ( it is good but not as good as the last one...not as many catchy songs )

Trance - Rockers

Tygers of Pan Tang - Ambush ( brand new CD )

Gargoyle - self titled

Tankard - The Morning After ( upgrading from cassette to CD )

Tankard - Zombie Attack ( same...upgrading )

Mad Max - In White EP