I want stout!
I must have got the last one...says out of stock now.
I must have got the last one...says out of stock now.
Manilla Road - Mysterium (Also available in the distro now)
I'll probably be getting this when it gets released via Amazon.
I'll probably be getting this when it gets released via Amazon.
yeah buy it from Steel and Fire or Shadow Kingdom! But be careful with Shadow Kingdom....went on there to order 1-2 CD's 3 weeks I've bought like 15 CD's since. Very reasonable prices.
I don't get that comment at all.
Why Amazon? Do you have a gift card?
way to support the metal community
Says the person who just bought the new Voivod and Helloween through Amazon. How is buying it on Amazon not supporting the metal community?
you could have gotten it at a higher cost at Mendykes distro and supported him and his cassette tape endevors.
Simon - I think the point was if you bought directly from the label it would make the label and band more of a profit, than buying it from Amazon.
These labels sell wholesale to such distributors, so when you buy from them, they make less profit.
So, in the end, while you are still helping the band and label, you are cutting into their razor thin profits buy purchasing from a third party.
I know that. And sometimes I do, but if there are multiple releases I want from various labels, etc. it's just easier to purchase that way. I hate having multiple shipments.
I still find it funny that Bob is going off on me, yet he does the same thing sometimes.
I am just yanking your chain. Dont you realize that the more we fight on here the more people come to read it.
Plus, let's be honest. I'm just being a cheapass, which is something you should relate to Mr. Jason.