new COB album?

<-Warheart-> said:
Please don't go there, this board has had enough trouble with everyone fucking moaning about how they're upset with Bodom latest record blah fucking blah, it's really old and noone wants to hear it. Unfortunately, threads like these cause it.

I know you're new and everything but you need to be prepared for it.

I know what you mean, I'm sick of all the AYDY bashing too (I like the album a whole lot), I was just wondering what people thought the new album might sound like, since like I said in my first post, sometimes they've taken a style they've already developed and added to it (SW to HB, HCDR to AYDY, kind of) and other times they've come out with something equally awesome, yet totally new and altogether different from what they had before (like HB to FTR or FTR to HCDR). All I meant was I wonder if it'll be a whole new style altogether, or if it'll be a variation of a style they've used before.

Personally, I'd love for their new stuff to sound like any of their albums, but it would also be cool to experience something totally different too (like that feeling you'd get if you hadn't listened to very much heavy metal outside of mainstream/older stuff, and then you're introduced to Children of Bodom and it just blows you away).
i'm also anticipating it to have a harder sound. but honestly, even if the next album looses it's melody and sounds heavier than AYDY, i will never lose respect for Bodom. i mean, after all, they released Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper, two albums that i've never seen any bands come close to achieving. Bodom can keep on getting worse, but i'll always love them for what they once were. end of discussion.
Authentic Metalhead said:
As long as it continues to be melodic. I swear, if they start sacrificing melody for heaviness...I just might have to abandon them. :mad:

That won't happen. The band has progressively become more and more melodic. The history shows that it will continue.
The Bringer said:
I'm hoping for the best. I absolutely doubt they'll go back to the neo-classical sound. I'm hoping a more of a Follow the Reaper sound.
Best that can be hoped for at least. Hopefully AYDY was just an experiment, but they all say they love the album so I don't see any reason for them to change the direction...Hopefully they will :p
AYDY never sucked! IT's a very good album. This same discussion has happened over and over again. Anyway, i'm dying to know what's going to be on the new album. It could be anything. THe vocals will probably change again or maybe ALexi can finally controll it and it'll sound the same. On HCDR and AYDY it's almost the same. They will alwayz have the melody. I think if all they wanted was heavy-ness, then AYDY would have sounded like a boring, dry album. ANd the next one would be worse. BUt since AYDY was really catchy, the next album will probably sound more technical.
Nikotiini said:
+ 1...

all every one talks about it COB sucking...

That's what I don't exactly understand. It's one thing to say that you didn't enjoy an album as much as others, that you like their older stuff better, or something like that, but these AYDY bashers that have been saying crap like "Alexi can't play anymore. . .blah, blah, blah, COB sucks" go beyond that in saying that the entire band sucks. Well, if they think that COB sucks so much, why are they still members on the message board? If you don't like a band, why would you spend so much time talking about them? It just seems like a waste of time.
cbb2: exactly. You can just say it wasn't as good or something like that but Bodom still have it. ALexi can still play and the rest of them are still doing good.
^ of them play really good but ALexi's playing is the best. If ALexi ran Bodom by himself, the band is over. NO way can you replace Janne. No one plays the keyboards the way he does.