new COB album?

Jesus blind people.. Clearly thats a doublenecked 7string bass, one fretless and one with frets.
I didn't -hear- anything, BUT I did read what you wrote.. and what was once harmless fun has developed into some cut-throat childish bullshit! Let's be friends again!
Ok guys, back on topic, I pray you! What were some of you telling here in this thread, before all this mess? I must confess: I am totally lost.... turn back, please...
And if I would like to write something I just wouldn't know what to say, it's all messed up... :mad:
sorry, this
cbb2 said:
Ok, I know it sounds like I have something to say about COB releasing a new album, or maybe that I have some kind of information regarding a new album, but unfortunately, I'm just asking if anyone knows when they'll release another album, or if they've even started working on one.

Anyway, I doubt that anyone does, or I'd have probably seen it posted somewhere (I searched for a while). Anyway, if and whenever they get around to it, what do you think it will (or what would you like it to) sound like?

Do you think they'll continue to variate on a style they've already used? (kind of like the transition from SW to HB or from HCDR to AYDY) or morel like something completely different (like FTR compared to other albums)?
Heartless_Name said:
I didn't -hear- anything, BUT I did read what you wrote.. and what was once harmless fun has developed into some cut-throat childish bullshit! Let's be friends again!

yeah and i can see by your typing you are a smart ass...we can be friends...stop being a dick to all on the board...
Fetzer said:
Stop, it wasn't!

*Give three boost*

From now on, you'll like Linkin Park's creationism and Limb Bizkit's goth/folk death metal epic music.
yeah... linkin park rulez!!!
-[chop]- said:
yeah and i can see by your typing you are a smart ass...we can be friends...stop being a dick to all on the board...

Are you being serious? If so, cool! :cool: Sorry if I offended you.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

I'd rather save my smartassness for CoB haters.
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
Ok guys, back on topic, I pray you! What were some of you telling here in this thread, before all this mess? I must confess: I am totally lost.... turn back, please...
And if I would like to write something I just wouldn't know what to say, it's all messed up... :mad:

Unfortunately this is mostly the way of the must be able to overlook it. Cause some people take it too seriously and do stupid stuff like harm other people and even themselves over stupid stuff.
you said username said:
sorry, this

Well, I became too stupid to understand if it was an answer to my question, and I don't wanna give to much importance to myself, but if that was an answer to me... thank you.

Anyway, about a new CoB album, I've got no hint about how it could be, absolutely... they've always surprised me, up to now! But, I don't know why, I have the sensation that their next work will be full of the new sound which we have found in "Are You Dead Yet?" album, yes, but could also contain some kind on sounds that characterized their past songs...
I mean a sort of mix between past and future....