new COB album?

the new album will be called "greatest hits", comes out feb '08 and will be a excact copy of AYDY? including cob's cover of final countdown and a video of alexi beeing drunk
Heartless_Name said:
LoL, I assume yer being funny, and know CoB never covered 'The Final Countdown' (that was a band called Dispatched.)


omg i feel so let down
They aren't gonna turn soft again, they're gonna stay heavy, because they can't get any heavier.

They can't get slower either, than Punch Me I Bleed, and in general they'll maybe get a little faster.

Sound is probably gonna change more to neoclassical stuff again, to give spirit, or something like that. It depends on the theme of the next album, whether it's resurrection, death itself, aggression, or just nice music or cool riffs or self-destruction again..

These are the directions you could expect them to take or to not take, and otherwise nothing would separate the sound from AYDY?

I think it'll get more technical, with some cool effects, like more industriality or smth.. Impossible to tell, just wild speculation.
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
Anyway, about a new CoB album, I've got no hint about how it could be, absolutely... they've always surprised me, up to now! But, I don't know why, I have the sensation that their next work will be full of the new sound which we have found in "Are You Dead Yet?" album, yes, but could also contain some kind on sounds that characterized their past songs...
I mean a sort of mix between past and future....

^ Well, I told, more or less, something similar... so, it seems to me.
Joonas: I'm thinking it's gonna be more industrial too and the next time there will probably be some more keyboards. I'm thinking it's gonna be something like HCDR but at the same time completely differnt.
Led By the Reaper: a split with TRIVIMum?!!! If they ever sounded like Trivium, i'd puke. That would be way too boring.
A drum and bass remix? Damn, that's going to sound goood. I love when the bass and drums are together like in Mask of Sanity. The drums and bass make everything sound much more technical and heavy. Then with ALexi's guitaring, there's a lot of melody and the album is perfected.
LedByTheReaper said:
Well if you listen to Triviums new album and Bodoms last album.. they sound exactly the same.

I'd never buy a Trivium album. But from some songs i hear on t.v, (and now i just relized it) Bodom and them are kinda in the same genre. They have the power chords with the same style of vocals. Alexi's vocals are better of course. He can sing so much better.
Led by the reaper: how do i scare you? LOL. I should check out that Behemoth album. I havne't got it yet. What kind of stuff is in it?