New Complete Song With Vocals!

I dig the song and the vocals are quite good, but man... those lyrics are pure shit IMHO. I know it's metal, so I shouldn't be expecting much, but that whole Slipknot/Chimaira tough-guy fuck the world DGAF "I hate everyone" thing is retarded.
The intro reminds me of Black Label. It's that snare start.

I like the music and the sounds. A lot of metal has really good lyrics and I'll admit to liking the Slipknot/Chimaira/whatever stuff, but I have to agree with the lyrics being pretty lame. Almost all of those lines I've heard at least somewhere in a pro band release and I hear the same stuff all the time in high school bands.

I hear a Chimaira influence in some of the riffs and drums. Good job overall and I dig the sound. The lyrics of course are your choice, but I'd try to be a little more creative. I can't talk though as I suck at writing lyrics.

Keep up the good work!:headbang:
the song was cool but total slipknot main riff and the harmonic part was pretty much mudvayne death blooms. I suppose thats what you were going for though. so right on. I wasnt opposed of the vocals so much as dss3. Like he said, its metal. Not everyone is Edgar Allen Poe and can write intense poetry. I'm sure your target audience (the maggots) wouldnt notice the lyrics and would love screaming the ending part.kewl job man. Recording sounded good too cept it needed more bass to me. I'd like to hear more tunes. what did you use for the drums?
Cheers guys. I guess I can explain the lyrics.

First of all, the lyrics really aren't all that 'chiche' The first line about being pissed off, and the last line are, but I don't think you should judge the lyrical content just based on that. I actually like a lot of the lyrical content, such as:

Blessed is the blasphemy and sacred is the sin
Wrought to liberate one's self from the tyranny of men and their gods
Solidify the nightmare
Solidify the nightmare in your mind
I saw the light there
I saw the light and it does not shine

Anyways, we have other songs that aren't really quite as straight forwardly pissed off as this one.
Haha, what's up damage? Didn't know you were on this forum, small world.

For those who don't know, Damage mixed/recorded our singer doing the vox in this song and two others.
haha, I think you guys suck ass!

whoever recorded your vocals is retarded
I was about to be like uhhh...... What the fuck is wrong with you hahaha.

Anyway really like song, cool riffs and grooves all over this mother. I honestly can't really even listen to the lyrics cause I'm to busy digging the rest of the music. Everything sounds cool though. That snare is cracka-lackin awesome.