New demo Recto superior 2.0 (SLOPPY)


Oct 12, 2007
The North
im using Lek's superior 2 pre.

all guitars are straight up recto, no post process on the rythms.

im not the tightest guitar player.

some cakewalk plugin delay on the lead tracks.

panned 72% l/r. bass, keyboards, 2 more solo's and vocals to come!

its still not mixed.

any advice on this?


*UPDATE* I thank you guys for all the comments! i actually tried mixing it, its pretty evident there are many flaws.

its under auroraev2, keyboards have been added, guitars eq'd and compd a little bit(i dont know what im doing.)

The drums arent cutting through as much as I'd like to hear. The guitar tone is good, but a little dark. I would raise the volume in superior 2.0 (you probably still have it at -4.4, right?). Your guitar playing is pretty tight, I don't know what you're talking about. I like the melodic aspects of this song a lot. Pan the guitars all the way. Start mixing and you'll get more comments.
Yeah raise the drums. Also try with some multiband compression on the the low end of the rhythm gtrs, check sneap's c4 settings on this forum as a start. The palm mutes at 2:32 are really boomy.

Cool song though, and nice playing.
Hey Mick, listening to AuroraeV2, I really love the ambience of the intro; is that guitar and piano? (and some airy synth too, perhaps?) The kick needs a LOT of work though, very soft and lifeless sounding, maybe bringing it up in volume would help, but hard to tell. Ditto with the snare, in fact I guess all the drums are just way too low. But jesus, the music is gorgeous, so freakin' soaring and dreamy, and then very SYL-esque in the heavy parts. But honestly, I can hear so little note definition in this blast beat part it's like I'm floating in an alternate dimension (this time not in a good way :D) So in that part the drums are too loud - really, I guess with a mix that changes as much as this one does, you just have to go through and automate some brutal level changes from section to section. But yeah, the music is awesome dude, goddamn! :headbang:

Ah, finally, a part where it's just guitars and drums; the guitars aren't bad, but too muffled IMO (and again, too low in this section). Keep it up man, this music begs to have a better mix to really hear everything that's going on!

What'd you use for synths duder? Oh, and great soloing too!

Marcus dude, though's comments really mean a lot coming from you dude!

well first off they keyboards are all done by hand, they are not programmed. I'm fortunate enough to be in a band with a fucking awesome keyboardist(who also rock's vocals and writes a great deal of guitar riffs)

the keyboards are a Korg Triton extreme. All the tones are pretty much custom one's he built himself..

i do agree the drums need alot of work. it's just hard because this is kinda like my first real mix of my own stuff.. it's like i know i want everything to fit in place and be punctual when necessary but i have very little knowledge about mixing. I just learned how to use Automation the other day(this has to be one of the greatest tools ever!)

the funny thing about this song is that me and my buddy zac wrote it before I ever got into Syl. and then i heard SYl. and then I JIZZED IN MY PANTS. seriously though there was a lot for me to relate to music wise with devin's stuff! all the blast beat trem riff inspiration was actually me just trying to bring a melodic approach to the kind of stuff vogg does.. i love decap.

we have been writing music together for like the last 5 years so i guess its starting to show ;)

we filmed ourselves jamming the song with the band(no drums though..) so ill put it up when our guitar player uploads it!
Sweet dude, you're really lucky to have such a good musical relationship with a guy that compliments you so well! I mean, I've had great bonds with guitarists, but they usually didn't bring too much to the table that was different from me (apart from being able to play the other guitar parts, of course :D), I'd love to find someone to handle synth duties, cuz it ain't my strongest suit! Looking forward to checking that vid, and that's wild that you'd never heard SYL when you wrote this - who have some of your other influences been for this kinda style?
well we started in our old band playing more groovy darkblackdeath stuff like.. example if you mixed pantera with dimmu haha i know it sounds wack but thats how we role. unfortunateley that band is no more :( (god i miss having a drummer that tight). then we discovered COB and thats what zac starting to play keys way more seriously. then we started to go really big on opeth and we still very much are thats were alot of the melody comes from. zac is very big on all music alot of pop and expeiramental stuff, also alot of Chopin. so thats where alot of the ambiance come's from. A HUGE PART of our sound is this band EXTOL. they may be bible fucks but they can write some riffs! me and zac just kinda have this thing were we dont want to sound Generic haha.

we narrowed down our influences pretty well here.