New DISSECTION "Reinkaos"

It's good to have those memories as I would believe it's at least a little harder on you than it is on us that just knew him from buying music and seeing him play live.

I think he fulfilled what he he said in interviews Dissection was over and his new path is coming...which can be interpreted into anything, but it seemed "suicide" was just that...his next pathway. People can see that as "irresponsible" or "ignorance", but they don't know the man or what goes through someones mind when they want to end their lives.

I respect his decision and I hope he can find joy (in his own way) wherever he is we have no idea what death brings to us. To each their own, but today we salute to a Metal Brother. He is a "god" in his own...may he Rest in Peace.
Blakkheim said:
that whatever his motives were, i hope it was done by his true will and the right thing.

I guess I'd just say I hope he wasn't drunk or something and acting on impulse. Obviously I don't know the guy, but that'd be sad :(
It may sound corny or cheesy,but there are some artists which kind of grow on you,and its like if they're part of what you are,Jon definitely was one of these artists for me.The very first BM music I heard was "Where dead angels lie",the music had this coldness to it,like if it was reaching for my bones.

Katatonia caused a similar impression to me when I first heard them some years ago,but it was a kind of urban gray,dirty coldness.Unlike that "snowy woods" feel dissection used to cause me,but cold even so.Kinda feel like I lost some part of me.

R.I.P jon nödtveidt
Me (left), Jon and Kris in december 2004:


Definitely feels a bit weird now..
"Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish." (Official statement about Jon´s death,

Feeling sad, but these words made me feel a bit better.
This is terrible news and I am deeply saddened by it. I have been a Dissection fan for many years and own all the releases, including the South American live bootleg!

RIP Jon. What a legacy....
Just remembered the 2nd guitarist of my band opened a show for Dissection here in Brazil when he played in his former BM band "Agaurez".I guess he got to talk to him and all,haven't told him the bad news yet
no_reply said:
maybe he just readed the comments about their new album and know
Watch your fucking tongue. Please.

I met him several times and was going to be at that pre-release party this year, but I had a flu and couldn't come... Damn... I still can't believe it. He was really good guy, no matter if you could hear/ read the opposite.
Aprilhäxan said:
Watch your fucking tongue. Please.

I met him several times and was going to be at that pre-release party this year, but I had a flu and couldn't come... Damn... I still can't believe it. He was really good guy, no matter if you could hear/ read the opposite.

whatever i'm not in to dickheads
Deliverance6 said:
lol umeå, my hometown

they never come here anymore

ugh... the things you miss when you're like 9 years old

the description for katatonia is ace btw: "Gothic 'Funeral Metal'. Fucking sad and melancholic music from Stockholm. Check out their brilliant debut 'Dance of December Souls'..."
no_reply said:
damn! how i hate fanboys....!

I hate wanna be tough guys who act all hard on the internet and then realizing they are insecure go cry in their rooms thinking about how they arent going to show it to their friends.....they're gonna be tuff.....noone will know their insecurities......and they can talk tough on the internet and maybe everyone will think they really are tough......but inside they know its all a lie.....they are just like everyone else......just another face in the crowd.....nothing to make them set them apart from everyone else.....and that makes them insecure.....they want to be known for something they they make rude comments online....and when someone calls them out they have to act tough....they have to personally attack the person who called them out....because thats how small-minded they are....instead of being able to take any criticism or look truly at how they act or who they really are inside they put on a front.........I used to be like that......but then I grew up and came to the conclusion that I am no different than anyone else in the world......and I dont need to be cool....or tough....or special.....I am comfortable with who I am and my actions.....I hope that someday everyone can grow up.....