New DISSECTION "Reinkaos"

to possibly back up no_replys point of view. Jon did murder someone, for very wrong reasons. Now i know he said he wasnt proud of it. But ive never once read that he regretted it. I dont know jon on a personal level,and even though i love him and its a sad loss for such a great musician...I would never want to meet or know anyone on personal level that killed someone because they disagreed so strongly about them being homosexual. regardless of jon 'assuming' that he was coming on to him.
the blackmetal scene was quite a bit different beast then than it is was a lifestyle people were chosing to live......and they were all so young......I can understand getting cought up in the group mindset of it all.......I used to kill animals all the time when I was into all that shit......not stupid animals does knowing that change everyones opinion of me now?......I doubt it......and if it does make you not want to meet me today thats ok too......I would understand you not wanting to meet me back fact most people didnt want to meet me then......but to judge someone based on what they did 10 years ago is quite ignorant........thats my opinion.....not trying to offend anyone.......if I based everyone I know on their past I probably wouldnt have many friends.....
Deliverance6 said:
I hate wanna be tough guys who act all hard on the internet and then realizing they are insecure go cry in their rooms thinking about how they arent going to show it to their friends.....they're gonna be tuff.....noone will know their insecurities......and they can talk tough on the internet and maybe everyone will think they really are tough......but inside they know its all a lie.....they are just like everyone else......just another face in the crowd.....nothing to make them set them apart from everyone else.....and that makes them insecure.....they want to be known for something they they make rude comments online....and when someone calls them out they have to act tough....they have to personally attack the person who called them out....because thats how small-minded they are....instead of being able to take any criticism or look truly at how they act or who they really are inside they put on a front.........I used to be like that......but then I grew up and came to the conclusion that I am no different than anyone else in the world......and I dont need to be cool....or tough....or special.....I am comfortable with who I am and my actions.....I hope that someday everyone can grow up.....
haha damn it, you guys take this life so fucking serious, it would be better for you to get a fucking life ,for real man , instead of expending 24/7 praising someone else,try to make something for your self instead of wasting your time with some stupid people like myself, i laugh at life, i laugh at you , whatever, life equals shit, and i'm not in to the mood to be serious, not yet, i have my whole life to do so.....cheers:kickass:
no_reply said:
haha damn it, you guys take this life so fucking serious, it would be better for you to get a fucking life ,for real man , instead of expending 24/7 praising someone else,try to make something for your self instead of wasting your time with some stupid people like myself, i laugh at life, i laugh at you , whatever, life equals shit, and i'm not in to the mood to be serious, not yet, i have my whole life to do so.....cheers:kickass:

actually I wasted quite a few years not taking life serious and thinking "life equals shit".......Ive been taking life seriously for a few years now.....and trust me....this is the only place I would "waste" time not making something for myself........Im buying my first house in a very expensive city to live......I am going to school full time have a full time job and a part time job working in a drug rehab.......I would say Im doing pretty fucking you just keep on laughing at day you might (like I did) realise that life is to be taken somewhat seriously........dont wait your whole life and realise your still mad at the world.....or at people you never some work on yourself......get over yourself.......

people just CAN'T judge other people... who's perfect anyway? if the dissection dude wanted to go what i would call "the easy way" or what he thought was "the righteous way", that's was his desire, fuck it, he died a happy man... our world goes on, whether he's alive or not. Deliverance could have done the same, instead he's clean. i just find that absolutely amazing, brave thing to do. If it were me, i'd be dead by, peace out. like mccartney said, live and let die....
Deliverance6 said:
actually I wasted quite a few years not taking life serious and thinking "life equals shit".......Ive been taking life seriously for a few years now.....and trust me....this is the only place I would "waste" time not making something for myself........Im buying my first house in a very expensive city to live......I am going to school full time have a full time job and a part time job working in a drug rehab.......I would say Im doing pretty fucking you just keep on laughing at day you might (like I did) realise that life is to be taken somewhat seriously........dont wait your whole life and realise your still mad at the world.....or at people you never some work on yourself......get over yourself.......

man i'm 20 and i'm already paying off my house, i work full time, and i'm about to finish college, plus i have a band,and i'm about to get married, and it is enough for me .....i get the point man, but hey, life's full of shit as it is full of happy moments.....there's plenty of time for everything, as i can tell youre just full of regrets my man, thrust me youre not the only guy who struggles with drug rehab......
no_reply said:
man i'm 20 and i'm already paying off my house, i work full time, and i'm about to finish college, plus i have a band,and i'm about to get married, and it is enough for me .....i get the point man, but hey, life's full of shit as it is full of happy moments.....there's plenty of time for everything, as i can tell youre just full of regrets my man, thrust me youre not the only guy who struggles with drug rehab......

I dont have regrets.....only experiences that made me what I am today....and I really like who I am point was I thought it was quite disrespectful to call Jon a dickhead when you didnt know him personally.....basically judging him on his past and whatever other limited knowledge you may have had of him.....of course I didnt know Jon personally to say he was a good guy.....but Im not the one here showing disrespect in a thread that in a way was his memorial on this forum.....

oh.....and I WORK in a drug rehab......Ive been sober almost 5 years now.....
Im sure your a nice enough guy.....but saying something like that is quite abrasive......I was your age when Dissection was around......and they had a huge influence on me.....I respect their music......I respected Jon....and when he was involved in the killing I didnt feel bad about it at the was a blackmetal thing to do back then....just like burning was part of the mindset.......

basically if you think its OK to come to a thread that is recognizing the death of a blackmetal icon in a respectful way discussing the tragidy of his demise and call the guy you didnt know a dickhead.....your wrong....its not ok.....and I have been here a while....and have earned the respect of the people on this forum as being a levelheaded person.....someone who doesnt make an ass out of himself very often.......I dont go around being an asshole for the hell of dont take it that way.....just be more concious of what you say.......what if his family was reading your comments.....or his girlfriend..........either way....Im done with this good luck to you......
Deliverance6 said:
the blackmetal scene was quite a bit different beast then than it is was a lifestyle people were chosing to live......and they were all so young......I can understand getting cought up in the group mindset of it all.......I used to kill animals all the time when I was into all that shit......not stupid animals does knowing that change everyones opinion of me now?......I doubt it......and if it does make you not want to meet me today thats ok too......I would understand you not wanting to meet me back fact most people didnt want to meet me then......but to judge someone based on what they did 10 years ago is quite ignorant........thats my opinion.....not trying to offend anyone.......if I based everyone I know on their past I probably wouldnt have many friends.....

Ah reece. Even though that is very cruel, animals in my books arent quite as bad as humans. Personally id like to do neither. But its pretty sadistic, but it isnt the same. If you had said you'd killed someone, i probably wouldnt have thought as highly of you again. Id be dissapointed and pretty horrified.
This is where I bring in my thoughts on this. To kill a man and/or animal is morally wrong? What exactly is morally wrong? How is killing justified? Is there a purpose to kill, or is it just the joy? Do we overreact to these things just because of what we are told and how we are brought up?

Don't know where I'm getting at? Yeah me neither. That's because it's all thought...and from my thoughts.


See, easy as that. Everything started to make the "sense" we know from "thought". Why do we brush our teeth? Why do we shave our heads to fit in? Why do people crush beer cans on their skullz? Why is it set that men should have short hair and women should have long? Why is it that I'm not offended by the word "cracker"?

Simple: That's how we were brought up and that's what we understand and thats how we want it to stay.

And it was all created by a thought.

Think about it.
