New Dog Day

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
I have had dogs my whole life when I lived at home with my parents and I still visit them very often. But I just got my first dog since I moved out of home.

He is a beautiful german doberman pinscher. he is only 9 months old, so he is still a puppy. this little guy (not really) has so much energy, and is very affectionate

The best part is I only paid a hundred bucks for him! His previous owner lived in an apartment and was never home to care for him, so it was the right choice for him to make.

My buddy was offered 500 for him, but he thought i would give it a better home, so I lucked out big time!
he likes the kong! my old rotty could annihilate the largest kong in a ten min. Fuckin thing could pop truck tires with its teeth!

But yeah... this dog is high fucking maintenance. Like he wants you to divert your attention to him at all times. And I`m his daddy, so he wants to be with me every second of the day. If not, he freaks the fuck out. lol Ive been with him since I woke up, took him for a long walk, played fetch, another walk, more playing, and he still wont leave me alone haha

I feel bad, cause he was locked in an apartment his whole life ( he did go for lots of walks though) So I know he has separation anxiety and will need special care for awhile.

I`m not too happy about his mistakes though (bad boy) he can be a little bastard, like pissing on the floor cause he is mad at you. It will come in time.

they will call me the dog whisperer lol