new dream theater album

I'm trying really hard not to listen to it until I have the actual CD on my hands (even though that's still a month or two away), but I'm glad to hear some positive reviews. Anybody know what the six cover songs are going to be on the special edition???
I just listened to it really dislike Petrucci's vocal...I have no idea why they insist on letting him sing on their albums. Labrie is bad enough....bleh.

Mike said something like that they do backing vocals in studio because they do them live too so to even things out, instead of trying to sing labrie's own backing vocals (which they can't)

Oh and, Labrie sounds better than ever. His vocals grew on me after all the listens so I can't complain. There's plenty of metal with awful vocals out there anyway.
the AA song was terrible, cut and paste from the other three as someone said. otherwise, nightmare to remember is by-far the best track on here.
I just listened to it really dislike Petrucci's vocal...I have no idea why they insist on letting him sing on their albums. Labrie is bad enough....bleh.

Anyways, hopefully it will grow on me. It's certainly not In The Presence of Enemies Pt 1 though...
Petrucci is singing? I thought Mike Portnoy did all the backing vocals?

I'm trying really hard not to listen to it until I have the actual CD on my hands (even though that's still a month or two away), but I'm glad to hear some positive reviews. Anybody know what the six cover songs are going to be on the special edition???
01. Stargazer - RAINBOW
02. Tenement Funster/Flick of the Wrist/Lily of the Valley - QUEEN
03. Odyssey - DIXIE DREGS
04. Take Your Fingers From My Hair - ZEBRA
05. Larks' Tongues In Aspic (Part II) - KING CRIMSON
06. To Tame A Land - IRON MAIDEN
Only heard the two songs that leaked first. A Nightmare To Remember was alright and A Rite Of Passage was horrible. Absolutely horrible.
01. Stargazer - RAINBOW
02. Tenement Funster/Flick of the Wrist/Lily of the Valley - QUEEN
03. Odyssey - DIXIE DREGS
04. Take Your Fingers From My Hair - ZEBRA
05. Larks' Tongues In Aspic (Part II) - KING CRIMSON
06. To Tame A Land - IRON MAIDEN

Hmmm...Interesting choice of covers. Biggsy's right, I hope they do Stargazer proper justice. I like that they chose songs that weren't obvious choices. Especially like that they chose a Zebra song (Although in that case, I kinda wish they would have gone with the more obvious choice. I bet they could really rip it up on Who's Behind the Door). Interesting! Think I just may have to shell out the extra cash for the special edition.
I listened to it last night. The first track is kinda meh besides the hilarious attempts at dimmu borgirisms, the second track is fucking terrible, the third one is a serviceable power-ballad, the fourth one is a fun regurgitation of Glass Prison/This Dying Soul (I think it's a bit higher energy than those two, at least for the first 4 minutes or so), the fifth one is pretty annoying and reminds me of the LTE songs I hate like Universal Mind, and the last track is pretty good despite being too long. I dunno if I'll listen to it again, but it's pretty good. About the same thing I thought about Systematic Chaos (wayyyy better than Octavarium, but not something I listened to more than 2 times). I think I've just grown out of dream theater.
Petrucci is singing? I thought Mike Portnoy did all the backing vocals?

To be honest with you, I just guessed who was doing the second vocals. But get isn't back vocals....he sings....ALONE!! It's DREADFUL! He sounds like he is stuck in 70s style singing, which is, as we all know, SHIT!

P.S. Count of Tuscany is still the best track after a few listens. And I don't mind Rite of's standard DT...