not sure who here is a fan, i know a couple probably, but surely more metalheads hence less DT fans but regardless i spent the last week taking in the 2 released tracks off the new dream theater album "Systematic Chaos" (which btw will be available in 5.1) and i have to say i'm a little disapointed.
i'm a big metalhead but I always loved DT for their musicality and escape from raw metal. they try to get all gothic and weird with the song themes and i think that what results is really cheesy chorses and uninspired generic heavy riffs that make me yawn. the playing of course is remarkable to the point where it seems like there is no collevtive group of people on earth that can play like them but it's like there's gotta be more than just fast playing and 9 diffrent odd time signatures... i won't lie the instrumental sections and JP playing are unreal. i'm sure it will be a good album but it's just not the same as previous efforts and i'm convinced no album will ever come along again with the same musical spark and creativty as their 1994 album AWAKE. my favorite album of all time.
the guitar tone actually sounds good on this album as it is my favorite guitar amp in the world - mark iv. the prodcer for this album was paul northfield who produced queensryche and some rush albums. all in al my final verdict will come once i hear the album after its release in june.
i'm a big metalhead but I always loved DT for their musicality and escape from raw metal. they try to get all gothic and weird with the song themes and i think that what results is really cheesy chorses and uninspired generic heavy riffs that make me yawn. the playing of course is remarkable to the point where it seems like there is no collevtive group of people on earth that can play like them but it's like there's gotta be more than just fast playing and 9 diffrent odd time signatures... i won't lie the instrumental sections and JP playing are unreal. i'm sure it will be a good album but it's just not the same as previous efforts and i'm convinced no album will ever come along again with the same musical spark and creativty as their 1994 album AWAKE. my favorite album of all time.
the guitar tone actually sounds good on this album as it is my favorite guitar amp in the world - mark iv. the prodcer for this album was paul northfield who produced queensryche and some rush albums. all in al my final verdict will come once i hear the album after its release in june.