new dream theater

Aww, hahahahaha

Just incase anyone gets antsy in their pantsy, the above comments were not intended to offend anyone. :lol:

I wanna hug the person that invented the disclaimer.
:lol: Even DT is doing breakdowns! Anyway, I think this new stuff sounds great, maybe not tasteful, but fun to listen to at the least.

I'll buy it. :)
The reason loved the bands music is because they did all this progressive stuff but still wrote amazing songs. now it's like they have to push themselves, and the songs are more about being technically challenging than good.

EXACTLY. It's funny, I spent so many years defending them against the idiots who said things like, "Dream Theater? They are all about mindless wank with no emotion or feeling, and can't write decent songs." Hello? "Vocies," "Scarred," "Pull Me Under," "Metropolis"...some of the most perfect and beautiful songs in Metal history. But then they eventually kind of turned into exactly what the anti-prog snobs accused them of. *sigh*
to ploay devils advocate and even contradict myself as much as i prefer older dt stuff i also love SOME of the new stuff. i absoltely despise the two songs off SC but aside from that no complains other than i wish they kept doing better songs. this is my grand conclusion.

after TOT (which i liked a lot actually) i thought octavarium was allright. the title track was certainly a step BACK in the right direction, it was very proggy and epicwith some great songwriting. now this current album was their chance to really go back to their roots and put out a slammin metropolis pt 2 type album with heavy parts but a lot of substance in the songs as well. however they took the feel and heavyness of train of thought and it took it to a cheesy level. they can't continue on this path of pure virtousity otherwise it will be like listening to yngwie. boring. they really need to go back on the next album to better songwriting. i'm not saying less heavy because fuck man, think about it awake up until TOT was their heaviest album, and it was a testament to the fact that you can write beautiful songs and keep it rockin. the album had great balance.
also JP's solo towards the end absolutely rips and owns on "constant motion" and his riffing during the instrumental on "TDEN" is very jeff loomish

I was talking up DT to a friend of mine that is insanely obsessed with them...

She said that Petrucci is regaining his skills with every inch of hair that he grows back... :lol:

I thought I'd share that with you...

Also, I like DT, just cant take them in large doses.
well he never lost his skill... i don't know why she'd say that. he didn't solo as much on octavarium but it was a more laid back album. just the end of the title track of octavarium (last album) the whole shredding is totally worth not having any good solos on the whole album.

he also ripped it up on train of thought. regardlss of song thoughts or creative direction no one can deny that JP is not only one of the best guitarists in the world now but i'd go as far as saying of all time. i am hard pressed to find a guitarists with such a long track record of consistently writing good music in a band settings (no masturbatory vai, satriani, yngwie, blah blah blah), side projects, as well as solo tours and albums. he can play as fast as anyone, he can also play as emotional as anyone. his soloing style is a very even balance of technical proficiency without crossing the line of flamingly gay over shredding. aside from his solos and lead playing his sense of rhythm and songwriting and melody and harmony is unparalleled. name me one guitarist that is as good technically as petrucci and still manages to be in a band where he doesn't look like an asshole stealing the show and manages to write many different styles.

i can't think of one. i'm not saying he's the best guitarist ever but i think he is HUGELY underrated and like i said to me taking playing ability into consideration with all the other elements of guitar playing he is one of the 5 best guitarists of all time.

ps - oh he also writes the majority of lyrics for dream theater as well.
I totally agree that after Jordan Rudess (absolutely alien genious), DT kind of lost themselves on whacky song writting that are better to watch than to listen. And I think that LaBrie is spoiling this band for too long, I mean, his voice fits some ballads like Space Dye Vest, Hollow Years, Waiting For Sleep, Spirit Carries On, Losing Time, etc, but sucks on the heavy stuff. They should get someone like Daniel Gildenlow, Russel Allen or even Mike Patton :Smokin:

Oh, and yeah, I totally respect the band for keeping releasing new albums on a regular basis.
dream theater is done. they're starting to sell out. they started going down with octavarium which sucked. awake was definately their best cd with the best drum sound. the drums are starting to move away from that organic sound that was great. oh well, they were good for a very long time.
I enjoy watching DT play...I like their music (not all)...but I never thought they used James' voice as well as they could...then I got Elements of Persuasion, and now I know they don't use his voice as well as they should. James can do the heavy stuff as well as the soft stuff...EoP gets more spins than most DT stuff...
6DOIT was half good to me, while the later albums are total and utter crap. I hate their new formula, consisting of ultra low tunings with nuish riffs you can jumpdafukup to, even a bit of rapping, I mean - come on!
They could've disbanded after SFAM as far as I'm concerned...

Oh, and yeah, I totally respect the band for keeping releasing new albums on a regular basis.

I don't, what's there to respect in mediocre records?! You may be persistent and regular with releases, but there are very few able to keep the quality level as high as, say, Rage, who haven't even an average record in almost two decades...
Maiden IMO fall into same category as DT, releasing crap after crap cause they know they're huge and people will buy regardless of what they record. Meh...

p.s. spare your breath, I don't wanna argue, just my point of view ;)
p.s. spare your breath, I don't wanna argue, just my point of view ;)

I´m not offended at all, I understand your point. I´m saying that DT is still a real band, with studio albums being released every 2 years or something, maybe they´ll bring something brilliant. A lot of bands like Metallica, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, etc. Just release a crap album every decade and flood the market with tons of "live", "best of" and these kind of annoying records that doesn´t bring anything new (orchestra? COME ON! :ill:).

Actually, DT is almost going in that Iron Maiden way of making two live records between every studio album, at least they didn´t started the "collections" :puke:

And that´s why the best fuckin band in the world is Motörhead: still releasing new albums and keep getting better and better and heavier. :kickass:
I´m not offended at all, I understand your point. I´m saying that DT is still a real band, with studio albums being released every 2 years or something, maybe they´ll bring something brilliant.

As I see it, the more you force yourself, it's more likely to end up with madiocre material... They should take an extended vacation IMO and come back with fresh heads.

A lot of bands like Metallica, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, etc. Just release a crap album every decade and flood the market with tons of "live", "best of" and these kind of annoying records that doesn´t bring anything new (orchestra? COME ON! :ill:).

Actually, DT is almost going in that Iron Maiden way of making two live records between every studio album, at least they didn´t started the "collections" :puke:

Well, didn't you just say yourself how DT perfectly fall into that "tons of live and best of" category? :p It makes me wanna crap when I read something like "new DT (or Portnoy) DVD coming out" :puke:

And that´s why the best fuckin band in the world is Motörhead: still releasing new albums and keep getting better and better and heavier. :kickass:

They're really something... The only band similar to them are Saxon.
They too had their low point in the second half of the 80s, but little by little kept coming back from 90s on. Their 2004's "Lionheart" is probably their strongest record! I can't imagine Maiden releasing something THAT awesome these days... OTOH, I can easily imagine Bruce doing so. ;)
well, didn't you just say yourself how DT perfectly fall into that "tons of live and best of" category?
Yeah, that was a critic. How many times do they need to record Metropolis live? But what I was saying is that they make studio albums too on a regular basis.

Anyway, I got Systhematic Chaos today and loved the track Forsaken!
Let me first off tell you guys I'm a huge fan. But I really think they went downhill with this one, it didnt had any of the 'fuck yeah :worship: "-moments in it, as soon as something starts to get 'normal' to you theres something not going well :lol: I dont know, maybe I have to listen to it a bit more but sofar it has been not too good.

They write their stuff extremely fast, the last couple albums they've come together in about 2 weeks to a month to write the stuff in their rehearsal spot which is just insane. :worship: