new dream theater

[rantmode]I am a fan since Images&Words came out, at that time it was really new and refreshing, and as some other people have already said, "Awake" is a pinnacle of their career for me too. What I feel is that they are going downhill musically for quite a some time. They are great musician, and if this new album was album of some new band I would listen to it with less expectation, and probably my thoughts would be "well, nice, this is ok". But for a bend that was pushing boundaries 10-15 years ago, this is not progressive. This is regressive.
Just to compare, opening keyboard riff of Awake is actually a bit changed phrase I have heard John McLaughlin plays on one live album with his Trio (Live in Tokyo I think) in prolonged improvisation. Now that is incorporating interesting influences into rock-metal music. Compared to that novadays I play DT and I can hear what? Muse, U2, Metallica, Pink Floyd... Not that I hate those bands, but DT are gradually changing from making something inventive, something you don't expect, something that is unusual into bend that is recycling itself with different ingredients from current (or not so current) mainstream pop rock music. Also songwriting gets more and more predictable, like, here we go: atmospheric intro first, than a lot of "unusual" time signature riffing, than verse with singing that sounds on border of irritating (I was never great fan of LaBrie's voice, but he was much better in the past, now he sounds like he is in the bad mood and un-energetic thru most of the album, and bad Hatfield imitations are embarrassing for a singer that should have his own identity after all those years) , then some muse sequencing, with Pink Floyd pad, then double pedal so everyone can hear we are METAL, , than chorus "Well, we still hope that radio stations may play this", than all this repeats one more time but with more syncopation and polyrhythmic ideas thrown in, and than "Liquid Tension" switch goes on and everything turns into few minutes of wanking. :erk:

Couldn't they just take few years break, stop wasting their energy on side projects and then came back with serious, well thought album? And yes, please, can someone call Kevin Moore and somehow convince him to come back and bring back some musicality with him? Rudess is a great, really great player, but more time passes I think that even Sherinian was better solution, he was also playing like he more cares what will work better for the song.

Well I was maybe a bit harsh, but it really disappoints me that band I was liking so much years ago is drowning in mediocrity - musical wise. It is not enough for me to keep showing technical aspects of playing leaving music to be pale mixture of Prog, Metallica, Muse, and Floyd. This is not bad album in itself, but for a band that has made Images and Awake, I feel this is lowest point.

They are huge copy of RUSH, for istance on the first record there's a riff that is a total rip off of a YYZ riff.
However they started to be boring when :
a) Moore left, and now ne cannot release a good note on record, have you listen guys to his music? the one has released these years.
b) They started having crappy productions

I miss I&W and Awake, but I don't want another copy of those albums, I'd like just something "musical" as matt smith said, something that can be considered as music not a show of technique.
a) Moore left, and now ne cannot release a good note on record, have you listen guys to his music? the one has released these years.

Have you heard OSI? office of strategic influence, even though Porntoy is on it, I can highly recommend it , its not dream theaterish but sounds great anyway :heh:
What you have to understand about DT is they're diverse as hell

They did Dark side of the Moon live(cd's on their site)
They did the Black album

They really do love all types of if your a person who only likes one style there is something for you in there..but you have to pick and chose. I would say you could probably put together 3 albums worth of stuff you'd like. But you'd hit a roadblock on a full album

If you have a mathematical mind you will love this band because its a mental exercise following the patterns. Its just stupid to say its boring because its the opposite of boring. No chord changes is whats boring by definition. Some people dont like it...thats valid simple DT song of the week is.... Burning your soul... and Change of seasons if you like an epic.

I totally agree woth whoever said enough with the Hetfield style I hate that tired melody
What you have to understand about DT is they're diverse as hell

They did Dark side of the Moon live(cd's on their site)
They did the Black album

And TNOTB and MOP... Yes they are really diverse cover artists... :rolleyes:
I wish they would make a decent album instead of covering another legendary piece...

No chord changes is whats boring by definition.

I don't find ACDC boring, but newer DT is boring me with every note they play. Imagine how long it takes them to bore me sick... :lol:

my simple DT song of the week is.... Burning your soul... and Change of seasons if you like an epic.

Imagine... You just mentioned a few (more than) worthwhile songs some 10 years old. ;)
I can't stomach their music anymore either. They seem to get a halfway good groove going and then BAM!!... Rudess comes in w/his "circuss like" key boards and ruins it. It's like sitting down to a nice meal and then all of a sudden the resturaunt turns into fucking chucky-cheese w/balloon animals and confetti!.....It worked w/liquid tension experiment but it fails to capture my attention 5 albums into his tenure w/dream theater. What the hell is up w/ portnoy feeling the need to sing on the last 4 albums ? Does he actualy think he sounds good? He sounds like some dude singing along to a song. no tone,no phrasing.....just a poor attempt at trying to make the vocal lines sound "badass". :rolleyes:
i just heard the new album. it's ok. some good moments. particularly the riff for "the ministry of lost souls" very european and scary kinda.

aside from that a lot of weakness. def their weakest album. i hope no new dream theater fans judge the band on this album as it is a poor representation of the glories albums they have put out in the past. the new album really pushes the whole ripoff of other bands envelope and they sound foolish trying to be "evil"

not to mention jordan rudess really stinks up the album. his keyboard work has become a cliche. every song seems to have the same formula. intro -> riff -> chorus-> instrumental craazy -> keyboard solo -> guitar solo -> chorus -> riff > outro
People said how weak TOT was and how it was their St. Anger/their worst album/raping their inner child with a hatchet/not worthy of the DT name/whatever and before too long most people loved it.

I'm waiting to see how many people eat their words, it's far too early to say much about it.

well he never lost his skill... i don't know why she'd say that. he didn't solo as much on octavarium but it was a more laid back album. just the end of the title track of octavarium (last album) the whole shredding is totally worth not having any good solos on the whole album.

he also ripped it up on train of thought. regardlss of song thoughts or creative direction no one can deny that JP is not only one of the best guitarists in the world now but i'd go as far as saying of all time. i am hard pressed to find a guitarists with such a long track record of consistently writing good music in a band settings (no masturbatory vai, satriani, yngwie, blah blah blah), side projects, as well as solo tours and albums. he can play as fast as anyone, he can also play as emotional as anyone. his soloing style is a very even balance of technical proficiency without crossing the line of flamingly gay over shredding. aside from his solos and lead playing his sense of rhythm and songwriting and melody and harmony is unparalleled. name me one guitarist that is as good technically as petrucci and still manages to be in a band where he doesn't look like an asshole stealing the show and manages to write many different styles.

i can't think of one. i'm not saying he's the best guitarist ever but i think he is HUGELY underrated and like i said to me taking playing ability into consideration with all the other elements of guitar playing he is one of the 5 best guitarists of all time.

ps - oh he also writes the majority of lyrics for dream theater as well.

Jeff Loomis,Michael & Christopher Amott,Eric Peterson is also very overlooked by many,this forum's famed James Murphy,Chuch Schuldiner's great,the two destructive dudes from All that remains(The fall of idols is brilliant to me in every possible sense,sounds amazing as fuck too!!!),Alex Skolnick...

I could go on all night :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I actually enjoyed the last DT album and from what I've heard so far I'm looking forward to this new one. Though I don't like some of the backups on the song they have on the myspace.
I've tried many times but I can't listen to a full album of DT. IMO you don't need to be a cheesy virtuoso to create good music. Perhaps that complex music is not made for my simple mind.
I enjoy much more with those old 2 chorded Twisted Sister albums!
I don't see how being a good player stipulates making crap music as many people seem to suggest. (Not all on this forum may I add ;))
Maybe they see virtuosity like karate. You learn it, only to never use it.

I personally dig the new album and will continue to be a Dream Theater fan.