Happy NY, fuckers. I stayed up to watch the death of 2020. Woke up at 4:30AM anxious and dehydrated as fuck so drank a bunch of water and laid in bed all morning not able to fall back asleep.

Took a sweet 2 hour hike in the woods today though to kick off the new year.
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Happy new year! I took a walk around downtown Toronto from 1-2am after drinking cocktails with coffee in them late at night, figured if I couldn't sleep I might as well see what the city was like. The club district was dead quiet but near the CN Tower there was a protest or something, people yelling in a language I couldn't discern. Definitely an odd end to an odd year.
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Ate & drank way too much way too early last night, but the discomfort kept me awake long enough to watch 2020 GTFOORC. There are still fireworks and/or gunshots going off in my neighborhood.
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Morgues are overflowing in California. Frozen trailers in their parking lots keep the deathstink down.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinkin' fine scotch and cheap bourbon.
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