new fan, love "Odyssey", which CD should be next?

Get Divine Wings of Tragedy, Twilight in Olympus or V - The New Mythology Suite.

They're what most fans would rate (along with Odyssey of course) as their best works. I believe Damnation Game to be equally good, but it took me a little longer to get in to. As for the self-titled effort, I'd say make sure you like their other stuff first. They had a different vocalist - Rod Tyler, who is... different compared to Russell Allen.

So yeah, pick one of Divine Wings, Twilight or V. I'd personally recommend V. Some would say that Divine Wings is closest in style to the Odyssey, but I find that every album is unique and has its own special characteristics within the distinct sound that is Symphony X.

On the other hand, if you've got plenty of cash, I'd say get the entire discography - you can get the first four in a special edition digipack for a reasonable price from the Symphony X merchandise page and pick up V while you're there. Oh, and the live album of course. And join the fanclub - the cd should be out soon.
I started to out with the Odyssey as well. Personally Damnation Game was the most similar to Odyssey. It took me some time to finally appreciate the other albums.

So I suggest you get Damnation Game, then V, then Devine Wings of Tragedy.
Well, i think your best option, (although it's a pricey one) would be to do what i did when i was in your situation. Me and my brother, lwere hooked on Angra, and he was looking in a local musid shop when he saw the oddysey, and thaught the cover looked realy good, so he baught it. We both fell in love with it immidiatly upon hearing the first 10 seconds of Inferno, and after listening to the album a few times, we went on the S-X webpage. We looked at merchendise to get some other cd's, when we saw the special edition deal. We got it, becuase, S.E over normal anyday :p and was a good way of getting all of their music in one go, (escept V which we got seperatly...) so would could go through it all in date order. This i think, would be your best bet, but it costs a fair bit too, so i'd only reccomend it if you have around £30-40 spare money.
Legionaire said:
... looking in a local musid shop when he saw the oddysey, and thaught the cover looked realy good, so he baught it. We both fell in love with it immidiatly upon hearing the first 10 seconds of Inferno....

WOW! that is exactly how I got hooked onto SX (except I was alone)
I'm not as fond of the ST CD, if only because I don't feel like they had nailed their "sound" yet, and I prefer Allen's voice over Tylers. Still, it's worthwhile.

But I have a soft spot for "Divine Wings of Tragedy" because that was my first exposure to SymX, whereas others love "V" or...

Anyway, I recommend ANY SymX CD without reservation, with the exception of the self-titled one. I don't feel that it is as consistently good as their other work. But I DO recommend it when you already have all of the others, and HAVE to hear everthing the band has ever done. Like me. :D