New gear sound samples


more metal, more booze!!!
Hey yall, got myself sum new stuff to try out with a cpl of old pieces of gear lying around. have a listen see if ya like any of the results!!
ill let ya know the combinations after a cpl of responses. its nowt mind blowing. the cabs the same in both clips

ive included a couple of samples for you to have a listen to

both double tracked and HP/LP 50hz/13.6khz SM57 ala sneap

(amp test 1 and 2)

right well ill just tell ya what i used....

amp test 1:
peavey XXL > Harley Benton G212 w/V30s

amp test 2 is my repaired/customised(by that i mean it was once a combo now its a head and recovered and serviced by moi):
marshall VS8080 Head into the HB 212 w/V30s

the v30s are now in my marshall 1960a and ill get sum new samples of that... the Valvestate isnt bad in sound i dont think. its not got a crushing tone but its summat different!