I know there's some Iced Earth fans here. Here's the new cover.
Actually, 30+. I can't wait for it!Manga-San said:Iced Earth covers are always the best...
They are having an epic 20+ minute song on the CD titled "Gettysburg". I think the major theme is patriotism and bravery in battle...
For the record, I like cheese. Especially swiss cheese...The Yngster said:I don't think the Iced Earth covers are cheesy at all, especially the Dark Saga and Something Wicked covers
theodyssey said:Still don't like ripper's voice. I can wait for this one. Not gonna rush out to buy it like i'm going to rush out and buy Death Cult Armageddon by Dimmu Borgir.
ClarifyAmbiguity said:Actually, 30+. I can't wait for it!