New impulses for you all! (v30)


Jan 20, 2008
Hey guys, its my time to do som contribution!
Here are 10 impulses of my Line6 Valvecab 4x12 loaded with v30 (dont you underestimate it ;) ) I spent my day doing.
All the info is in the Readme file included in the rar so don´t forget to read it.

GubbKuk Impulse Pack


Have fun and enjoy!

(btw, 1 GubbKuk Angled (5.5 pres) is my fav ;) )

EDIT: They came out pretty low compared to other impulses? Any idea of whay have caused this?
Testing out now. Status report in a few.

Edit: Okay. They all sound very far away. There's almost no definition with the tone at first. Since I'm not the kind of guy to use one impulse, though, I've found a decent use for these. I like using V30 impulses to round out my tone, the deeper the better. These are right up there with a few of Brohymn's Mesa 4x12 SM57 impulses for that. Using any one of yours plus Brohymn's Mesa SM57 V30 2 impulse plus one my own Sputnik impulses (yeah, 3 impulses baby), I came up with a very smashing sound. That's with five minutes of playing around.

So, pros: They're deep, and have a very distant ass-reaming sound. Roomy, almost. That, to me, makes them really good as a supplement to more close-mic'd sounds.

Cons: It seems to lack a lot of definition, so you can't really use it to get the core of your tone. It's also a bit nasty on the low end with my preamp (Marshall JMP1). My preamp itself is nasty on the low end, though, so it's probably not the impulse, but I have no real way of knowing.
Testing out now. Status report in a few.

Edit: Okay. They all sound very far away. There's almost no definition with the tone at first. Since I'm not the kind of guy to use one impulse, though, I've found a decent use for these. I like using V30 impulses to round out my tone, the deeper the better. These are right up there with a few of Brohymn's Mesa 4x12 SM57 impulses for that. Using any one of yours plus Brohymn's Mesa SM57 V30 2 impulse plus one my own Sputnik impulses (yeah, 3 impulses baby), I came up with a very smashing sound. That's with five minutes of playing around.

So, pros: They're deep, and have a very distant ass-reaming sound. Roomy, almost. That, to me, makes them really good as a supplement to more close-mic'd sounds.

Cons: It seems to lack a lot of definition, so you can't really use it to get the core of your tone. It's also a bit nasty on the low end with my preamp (Marshall JMP1). My preamp itself is nasty on the low end, though, so it's probably not the impulse, but I have no real way of knowing.
Can you please post a sample?
They don't sound far and undefined at all to me, so it could be dued to the convolution software... I'm using Voxengo Boogex, and I think the sound is ok volume-wise (impulses are normalized) and "tail"-wise (the tail is short enough)...
These impulses are recorded at 96KHz, so this could cause strange behaviours depending on the convolution software and the sampling rate of your host...

@GubbKuk: the "1 GubbKuk Angled" sounds really good and kicks the shit out of all the others, that seem to have some nasty fizzyness and sound generally thinner... what was the difference between them?
The volume is ok to me, sounds identical to GH's ones...
About the tail I would suggest you to cut all the impulses so that they have the same length.
If impulses are too short (less than 1024 samples) you're going to loose a lot of details on the lows and highs, if they're too long you're going to have roomy sound and a lot of CPU consumption. A nice compromise would be 2048 or 4096 samples at 44.100Hz, which means 0,046 or 0,092 seconds respectively...
Hope it helps!