New Interview with Charlie

If it was really all about the business they would be like Ozzy, Maiden & Manowar and just release an endless stream of rehashed live albums with the same songs on them. Releasing albums of new material that may be different is usually polarizing their fanbase, especially for a band so established as Anthrax (or Metallica). So the simple fact that the new album is being released is a sign that it's shit they want to play.
If it was really all about the business they would be like Ozzy, Maiden & Manowar and just release an endless stream of rehashed live albums with the same songs on them. Releasing albums of new material that may be different is usually polarizing their fanbase, especially for a band so established as Anthrax (or Metallica). So the simple fact that the new album is being released is a sign that it's shit they want to play.

LOL Maiden has been putting out new studio albums their entire career. Ozzy is walking corpse and hasn't done anything remotely worth mentioning in longer than I can remember. Manowar i wouldn't know.

Anthrax's material the past 3 albums has been semi similar sounding. This new album so far from what we have heard is fairly similar to those previous 3 Anthrax albums except for it has a different singer. So I don't see Anthrax doing anything 'outside' the box so far on these albums. They are playing it pretty safe IMO
LOL Maiden has been putting out new studio albums their entire career. Ozzy is walking corpse and hasn't done anything remotely worth mentioning in longer than I can remember. Manowar i wouldn't know.

Anthrax's material the past 3 albums has been semi similar sounding. This new album so far from what we have heard is fairly similar to those previous 3 Anthrax albums except for it has a different singer. So I don't see Anthrax doing anything 'outside' the box so far on these albums. They are playing it pretty safe IMO mentioned in another post that Anthrax would sell more records by returning to their thrash roots. If that is a correct statement then I can't see how it can be aruged that the band is "playing it safe" with WM, not commercially at least. Thoughts?
I don't like / dislike Anthrax (seen them live though!) and don't care about who is drumming for them...

But "best all-around drummer in metal?" What the fuck? Do you even listen to heavy metal? He's good. Stand-up drummer. But man, you need a reality check. Even he would admit that there's at least three or four dozen guys out there who aren't even in bands, just studio musicians, who could take him to town.

Fact is, most casual fans (like YOU! rofrolforflr) can only tell the face of the band apart from everything else. And maaaaaaaybe, if the band has a very prominent lead, they can tell who's playing that, too. Otherwise, you've been drinking too much fanboy koolaid if you think most people can tell who the fuck is drumming what album when.

It's called style. That's something you can't learn. That's why studio musicians are just that. They're good at doing what they're told to, not creating something that sounds personal.
Prove it.........I said one of the best, not THE best.......and for your info, you can blindfold me and I can tell. Hit a note and I will tell you if it's E or d#. Cop that..........another that needs lessons in reading comprehesion.

The force of Charlie, is to write music and beats in the same time! The beats are more powerful when they are written like that!

Sure, a dozen of studio guys can kill him just on the technique; but on the feeling, he's ten levels above!

Malmsteen kill Santana on the technique, but Santana have more feeling of all the malmsteen's shit in just one note!:headbang::headbang:
Well I guess thats where I disagree with you. I really don't think at this point in their career Scott or Charlie are doing anything they just want to do. They have always stated how Anthrax was a business. I really believe they are not doing what they would do if money wasn't an issue or they weren't trying to sell a bunch of albums. I believe they are trying to make a 'metal' album that is still hard rock enough so that more mainstream fans will be attracted to it yet still be 'heavy' enough so that the existing Anthrax fans will buy it.

It's very hard for me to see anything being organic with these guys. When they were in New York living in apartments just trying to make kick ass thrash metal that was when they really didn't give a fuck. Now they basically have to sell records or not be a band anymore. Again this is MY opinion, if you don't like it you can put me on ignore like mr thrax or whatever his name lol

Some interesting thoughts there!

Myself would never wanna play music to please anyone else other than myself and my band mates. On the other hand, we are not likely to get any money out of this business. We are completely unknown but have a good time. No pressure on us then. ;-) mentioned in another post that Anthrax would sell more records by returning to their thrash roots. If that is a correct statement then I can't see how it can be aruged that the band is "playing it safe" with WM, not commercially at least. Thoughts?

Thats the exact thing... I really do think they would sell a lot more albums if they returned to their Thrash roots. But that being said if for some reason this new album was able to successfully cross them over to more of the hard rock audience (like metallica did) they would then have the possibility of selling a lot more albums than if they did the Trash metal album.

The problem for them is that to this point that hasn't really happened. They really haven't broken into the mainstream and grabbed the attention of the audience that listens to godsmack, avenged sevenfold, shinedown, seether, disturbed etc. They had a small moment with "Safe Home" and "Only" was big for a minute. But nothing has stuck.

So my my point is yes I think they would sell more with a classic Thrash Metal album that kicked the ass of everyone. But there is a cap as to how many albums they would sell and it would alienate them from the mainstream audience. So they want to continue to try and tap into the hard rock audience and hopefully finally break through and 'blow up'. I just don't see that happening with them. If that was going to happen in was going to have happened with SOWN or even WCFYA. But obviously those fans they gained with the change in sound didn't really stick with them the way their label had hoped. It also has polarized many of the O.G. Anthrax Thrash era fans like myself.

With thrash metal they could maybe sell 30-50k albums or so. Which in this day in age is not all that bad. If they can break into the mainstream hard rock audience they could do WAY more than that. But I don't see it happening. I foresee them selling an initial bunch of albums from the hype of Joey being back, the marketing of "a return to their roots" etc. But don't see them breaking open and going huge like they are hoping. I think the fans that are going to buy this are the ones that have seen them at the big 4 shows, Jaegermiester tours and are expecting to hear thrash metal. they aren't going to be too happy imo.

But hey more power to them and if they do happen to get that break trough they have been trying then god bless them. Hopefully if that happens they can make a fuck bucks and continue to put out new music.

I'd personally love to hear them do at least 1 more Thrash Metal album before they retire. Scott and Charlie are going to have to let their business side go and just go out and kick ass like they used to do and then if people want to buy it they will.

Sorry for this long post, i am a bit lost at what I was even talking about :headbang::kickass:
Some interesting thoughts there!

Myself would never wanna play music to please anyone else other than myself and my band mates. On the other hand, we are not likely to get any money out of this business. We are completely unknown but have a good time. No pressure on us then. ;-)

Either would I or most people. But when you have major labels, managers, PR firms, booking agents etc you now are not just some garage band you are a business. So BELIEVE ME they have had meetings on what direction they should go. They have had label people, program directors etc all influencing their sound. I have been in this business myself believe it or not for over a decade I know how it works. Every band is faced with this scenario. It is basically sell records, a lot of them, or no more funding, no more radio play, and concert ticket guarantees will not go up any higher. It sucks when the business side of things take over the music side of things. But it happens to almost any band these days. Its a brutal business.

And again I really do hope they break through and sell a ton of records like their are hoping. But I don't see it happening. Time will tell!
LOL Maiden has been putting out new studio albums their entire career. Ozzy is walking corpse and hasn't done anything remotely worth mentioning in longer than I can remember. Manowar i wouldn't know.

Anthrax's material the past 3 albums has been semi similar sounding. This new album so far from what we have heard is fairly similar to those previous 3 Anthrax albums except for it has a different singer. So I don't see Anthrax doing anything 'outside' the box so far on these albums. They are playing it pretty safe IMO

True, Maiden has been putting out great albums for awhile. But they have also been padding with live albums, many of which are superfluous. That was my point. Same with Ozzy; do we need seven Ozzy live albums? Fuck no! (Rush always had the best way going with live albums; 4 studio to 1 live, and the live wouldn't have shit from the earlier ones)

And I know what you want in an album, but I don't really think that Stomp, V8 & WCFYA were all that similar sounding. To each their own though, that's okay. I also thought that the Bayley IM albums were underrated.
Thanks for the compliment. :) I am 36, so it's good to know people appreciate one's lighthearted spirit. I meant no offense to those who like Ulrich a lot, so I truly apologize if that was the case with you-I just honestly laughed at that comment. Take care!

That's a very adult way of responding... (rolling my eyes, and going "duh" while putting my headphones back on).
Thanks for the compliment. :) I am 36, so it's good to know people appreciate one's lighthearted spirit. I meant no offense to those who like Ulrich a lot, so I truly apologize if that was the case with you-I just honestly laughed at that comment. Take care!

No Problem Friend :wave: It was just a reaction to something that is sooo old........LOL.
Either would I or most people. But when you have major labels, managers, PR firms, booking agents etc you now are not just some garage band you are a business. So BELIEVE ME they have had meetings on what direction they should go. They have had label people, program directors etc all influencing their sound. I have been in this business myself believe it or not for over a decade I know how it works. Every band is faced with this scenario. It is basically sell records, a lot of them, or no more funding, no more radio play, and concert ticket guarantees will not go up any higher. It sucks when the business side of things take over the music side of things. But it happens to almost any band these days. Its a brutal business.

And again I really do hope they break through and sell a ton of records like their are hoping. But I don't see it happening. Time will tell!

I would think that being on a label like Nuclear Blast that they would be encouraged to put out a balls to the wall, heavy as hell album. It's not like they're on a major label like Warner Bros., they're on Nuclear Blast.

And as far as making an album more with the "sound of today," Queensryche did just that and the album fucking blows. Every one of their fans wants them to go back and make another Rage for Order and Mindcrime (the original, not that shitty sequel). When i saw them a few weeks ago it was one of the most boring shows ever. Queensryche follow in the Metallica mold of "anything we do is good enough for you"....without the success.