New Isis song + album details

lurch70 said:
not really ... I like ISIS' groove and repetition ... that drill it in your head style ... TOOL never did this to me.

It's not an obvious thing, just the tone and some of the drum beats from this song bring Tool to mind, and the last minute or so of the song too.
Isis is better though.
Night Mare said:
It's not an obvious thing, just the tone and some of the drum beats from this song bring Tool to mind, and the last minute or so of the song too.
Isis is better though.

oh yeah, the similarities are there for sure ... but oddly enough ISIS is so much more accessible than TOOL ... with the right marketing team behind them, they can blow up so everyone can start hating them :loco:
lurch70 said:
oh yeah, the similarities are there for sure ... but oddly enough ISIS is so much more accessible than TOOL ... with the right marketing team behind them, they can blow up so everyone can start hating them :loco:

Sadly enough, you're probably right, we'll all be left fondly remembering the days before they became huge, and shuddering at all the Isis shirts at the local shopping centre.

"You weren't THERE at the beginning, you don't know what it was like!"
none of us were there at the beginning. there were 4 releases before Oceanic.

lurch, why are you always so into the marketing aspect of bands?
J. said:
lurch, why are you always so into the marketing aspect of bands?

not quite sure ... but I could always smell a hit in all genres. and I have my own business where I work with talented people that I market in my own ways.

I like real talent to be given credit and be recognized by the masses ...

years ago I also interned at the then polygram/mercury label in the marketing department and saw some cool/interesting things at the higher echelon of the music biz
There's so god damn no Tool in Isis, ya'll are god damn nuts. Both great bands, the only similarities being in their UNRULINESS.
I like the song so far but there is no similitudes between Isis and Tool at all..
lurch70 said:
not quite sure ... but I could always smell a hit in all genres. and I have my own business where I work with talented people that I market in my own ways.

I like real talent to be given credit and be recognized by the masses ...

years ago I also interned at the then polygram/mercury label in the marketing department and saw some cool/interesting things at the higher echelon of the music biz

i see what you mean with isis, but i hope it never happens, and if it does, i firmly believe it will happen on their terms. the caveman grunts are a little much for the man-on-the-street to take, not to mention longer songs which the average person has no patience for.

i pray isis never leaves the Neurot/Ipecac/Tortuga/Hydrahead chain of labels.
J. said:
i see what you mean with isis, but i hope it never happens, and if it does, i firmly believe it will happen on their terms. the caveman grunts are a little much for the man-on-the-street to take, not to mention longer songs which the average person has no patience for.

i pray isis never leaves the Neurot/Ipecac/Tortuga/Hydrahead chain of labels.

if Slayer can have a top Billboard disc ... ISIS' trip is much easier
LOL Isis frontman calls Tool fans Meatheads

ISIS frontman Aaron Turner recently spoke to about the band's upcoming stint as the support act for TOOL.

"You're bound to have a larger meathead contingency in your audience when you open for a band as big as TOOL, and we're very aware of the fact that a good portion of the people at these shows will be bored to tears or perhaps even angry while we're playing," said Turner, who also owns Los Angeles-based Hydra Head Records. "There's also a good chance a lot of 'em won't even be there and will be finding their seats as we're finishing up our set. In one way, we're really excited about it, but in another way, we're realistic about it too."
Now you're just putting words in his mouth. :loco:

He's right, Tool shows usually have a big jerkoff percentage the last several years. Right after Lateralus was released they did the whole "big band in a small venue" / "fat man in a little coat" thing, but that can't really happen right now, they're too big. The exclusive diehard-fans-only days are gone, it's a bit disheartening from a concert-going perspective. D'oh well!
lizard said:
that means you're gonna get to watch the show with legions of puking drunk 29 yr olds :)
Fixed. Seriously, as much shit as I give teenagers, if they take the time to actually show up to an event like this, they go for the right reasons. It's the tattoo'd macho tough guy types that bug the piss outta me. Not sure why they show up to Tool shows, I figured the artfag angle would be a turnoff to their inherent homoeroticism. O wait maybe that's why.
Sadguru said:
Make no mistake, there's defintely a strong Tool influence in that song. It's not even subtle.

Strong disagreement but to each his own. 2 listens : yesterday and the day before, enough for "Dulcinea" to monopolize my attention for this whole afternoon. Not what I expected but I cant deny its magnetism. In other words : CSOER,1!