New ISIS song

Prrrretty fukkin cool!! As little as I know of Isis, I love this song. Will def. check out more :oops:
sounds good... not so rocking... first experience, maybe when i get the $$$$ Ill dig in a little deeper...

oh fucking sweet Tlaloc, keep the rain coming!
I heard it at work today and was going to post something about it, but I've been beaten to it.

And yes, I love it, sounds great can't wait to get my hands on the album. And the dvd.
I absolutely hate the fact that the pc at my place doesn't work and I can only go online at work where the pc has to speakers... *cries.... a lot*

:headbang: Yup, ISIS is one hell of a band! Dulcinea kicks alot of ass, but I'm waiting for the album to come out and hopefully then I'll REALLY be blown away by what this album potentially has to offer. Right now, the song doesn't surpass the best of both Oceanic or Panopticon.

This song has an awesome instrumental section beginning at 3:18 which I simply adore - the sound is just awesome. But, there's no way this song beats out some of my faves like So Did We, From Sinking, In Fiction, Carry, Grinning Mouths and The Beginning and the End.

This has been one of my most anticipated albums for a while now and I'll surely be buying this one. Isis have released a couple of the best damn albums prior to the upcoming one in October, so it has ALOT to live up to if it is to be the band's best release. I have no doubt it'll be a damn good album, however.
I agree with alcapoth, the song is good but not nearly as good as some of my favorites... for Panopticon, they released "So Did We" and I listened to that about 100 times while waiting for the album. They have a lot to live up to.
This album is brilliant. Its definitely their most diverse and interesting one yet. Theres a lot to it, so its gonna be a while before I can truly say how it compares to the other albums, but I can see this becomming my favorite for sure. A Harris has improved soooo much, so impressed with the drumming.
Eh, I find this album has some awesome parts - but they are parts, and not whole songs. For example Holy Tears really kicks off after the 5 minute mark, and before that it's rather underwhelming. I think Cult of Luna outdid ISIS at their own game with 'Somewhere Along the Highway'.