New Keyboardist Seeking to learn to play like Pinella (some day)


Everybody dies alone
Oct 10, 2003
Tallahassee, Florida
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Hi! Let me start off with a little history. I've never played piano or keyboard really. A few years ago I bought a (crappy) samick electric guitar, amp, case, strings, tuner, cord, and picks for about 200 bucks. I tried learning on it but it never interested me that much. It was then at about that time I got into Symphony X and realized the beauty and versatility keyboards make! I was very interested in learning keyboard but didn't have enough money for it. My uncle gave me his (very nice model) a little less than a year ago but since then I haven't touched it. I don't know why, but I haven't really tried it out. I'm rekindling my interest now and am looking for a decent spot to start WITHOUT hiring a teacher. I can type at over 120 wpm so if that counts for anything, it might help me play. Anyway, I was hoping some of you could share some resources for maybe programs to download or buy so I can learn, html lessons I can read up on, I don't know, something.


sure u can learn anything with an open mind, i didnt see that video but i think u will be able to grasp things in time, it would help if u have some music theory knowladge, just keep practicing and learning :D
Kronikle66 said:
Heh, 17 :)

Does that matter?

Well i have play the piano during 4 years, and i can tell Mr Pinella is one of the greatest, he has an amazing right hand and his solos are really fast. I play two songs: Inferno and Sins and Shadows.

Do you know how to read music?? If you dont, i would recommend you to learn muiscal notation as soon as you can and then buy a book called: "Czerny School of Velocity" if dont dont find that book, you can also buy another one called "Hanon" both will teachyou the right technique for both hands. And dont forget to study chords.

BTW Classical music pieces will help you a lot.

Hope this help
Thanks. Currently I'm learning how to read sheet music and where each note is located. Next lesson is rythmic patterns. is where I'm learning from.

Anyway, hopefully SOME DAY I'll be able to play like him. As long as I can see progress and I'm having fun I'll reach there soon.

I've played keyboards a little over month now... I can play some of the melodies of Accolade II and some parts of the piano intro. Cool stuff...
A good way to practice IMO is to pick out melodies from bands and songs you love, be they keyboard or otherwise, and play them until you've mastered them. Dunno, this kind of hodgepodge practicing has worked for me.
Where can you get Rudess's video at? One thing I use to practice the piano is playing a lot of bach's music. Mozart's Piano Concerto 20 first movement is really great as well to get your hands in sync.
Richard Andersson and Kevin Codfert have some nice techniques also. if i played keyboard they'd be 3rd and 4th on my good keyboarders list, after rudess and pinella. not sure about beginner techniques tho, but they'll sure get ya warmed up.