Thank God. Musically I've always appreciated them, but I've always been put off by the vocals - they alwyas sounded really weak to me. This is WAY better to my ears. The music grooves a bit more too, which makes a nice change from a lot of the stuff about at the moment. It defiintely gets a big thumb up from me.

I don't understand why people think it's a ripoff. Replace the vocals with he's previous style, and it would sound JUST like Ashes of The Wake. I'm all down for the new track ... it's got some fucking groove! :headbang:
I hear some Pantera influencies in that song but it's a l.o.g song and I'm shure that the album will sound more l.o.g...
It's a great band and I'm shure I'll dig the new album.
I hear a bit of Pantera, but it's still much more in the style of what LOG would write to be a ripoff. As for the vocals, I personally liked Blythe's vocals better than that of the majority of thrash and a lot of death metal. There is however one thing that seriously needs to be fixed. His fucking hair looks like a flock of seagulls just begging for some birdshot - goddamn he needs a haircut! It's short everywhere but over one eye, and there it just looks bloody ridiculous. The drummer's Old Man Winter beard is pretty goofy as well, now that I think about it. Anyone else bothered by this on the Killadelphia DVD? I don't even think about that stuff anywhere else, but that just throws me over the edge.

JBroll said:
There is however one thing that seriously needs to be fixed. His fucking hair looks like a flock of seagulls just begging for some birdshot - goddamn he needs a haircut! It's short everywhere but over one eye, and there it just looks bloody ridiculous. The drummer's Old Man Winter beard is pretty goofy as well, now that I think about it.
Randy has shaven his head, no need to worry :heh:
Oh, has he?

I was wondering when he was going to fix that. There's still entirely too much beard in that band though, but that may be too much to hope for over such a short period of time. I have an old magazine where the two guitarists are clean shaven, if not very close, and all of a sudden they have beards. I hadn't seen them before Killadelphia, and it was certainly surprising seeing how they all looked - I like the one clip in the bonus features where that guy packing the suitcase (saying every band member is the one guy he can't get along with) talks about how he had to go to party city to get him another beard because the last one fell off. I still don't know which way to believe...

Sounds just like LoG always have to me - sure, Randy's taking a slightly different vocal approach on this one track that we've heard, but other than that, it's business as usual. Besides, I like a bit of vocal diversity - nothing kills my interest in an otherwise instrumentally sound album faster than monotonous vocals.
Does sound a little like a Testament/Pantera ripoff but it's good. The style of writing reminds me of 5 minutes alone. espiecally the ending. But whatever. Still good.
ive been listening to this song like all day...its freakin soooooooooo good..i cant wait to see them in acouple days
dill_the_devil said:
Sounds just like LoG always have to me - sure, Randy's taking a slightly different vocal approach on this one track that we've heard, but other than that, it's business as usual. Besides, I like a bit of vocal diversity - nothing kills my interest in an otherwise instrumentally sound album faster than monotonous vocals.
I couldn't have said it better.
On a side note, anyone else almost bothered by how Pantera-y the Testament cover of Nobody's Fault (from New World Order)? I know that album had to influenced them, but damn... that song sounds more like some CFH than... a lot of CFH!

Or am I just crazy?
