alright then.. ive got about 6 spins on this throughout the day.

i was going to mention the chuck billy thing earlier... thats the first thing that popped into my brain about the vox...

i think if this were 192k and not a fuckall 64k nasty streamy, many thoughts would be different. this tune will SLAM when the retail CD is churning its dulcet tones out of your hopefully respectable playback system of choice.

New l.o.g is still one of my most anticipated releases of '06.... this, and the newly reformed Winger with Lemmy on vocals.
One of the first lines he sings sounds like something Phil sings in from Mouth For War. 'I've moved mountains with lesssss' or something.

The song's grown on me a bit more than when i first heard it. But it seems a bit simple in terms of structure n stuff, definatly a 'single' kind of song. Not a fan of the song title or some of the lyrics either. Doesn't seem as inteligent as before. I was hoping they'd get even more progressive and technical.
Not saying LOG sound too much like pantera, but seeing as pantera are no more, they're a awesome band to have around. One of my favourite bands ever actualy.

Still, the riffs rule and I'm sure the album will be amazing even if they do wan't to simplify things. It's all about progress
....and grooooves :headbang:
:headbang: I love Machine's production style, so refreshing to hear someone doing something a bit different with metal production
I was more impressed with the flies and blood on the sacrament page than the song.

I dont like the guitar tone, or the song, but really the worst is the vocal.....weak-sauce.
I AM SO GLAD PANTERA IS BACK!!!! Yes with different members but who cares...Sounds awesome.

I am glad he went another rout with his vocals. He was getting really repetetive with his old style.